Thursday, October 17, 2024

A Proportionate Response

Hello London, buy me the same stock that Netanyahu is 
buying, that King Chuck is buying, so we get our share before the bombing.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a Lame Cherry white paper projection on Tel Aviv and the Iranian Caliph. Make no mistake in the Greater Tel Aviv policy is cementing a Persian Caliph of Shia Islam to rival China within two decades.

While the tourists have come to the conclusion that Tel Aviv is going to strike Iranian infrastructure and energy as their wish list was to use suitcase nukes to decapitate Iranian leadership in Nutenyahu's messianic craze, one has to remember that the trump cards in this are Moscow and China who are not going to stand by and allow Tel Aviv to cripple Iran.

The father of Militant Islam, Jimmy Carter's Polish Russophobic defense director, explained a decade ago, aiming at the Bush fam and ziongelicals who wanted to destroy Iran in bombing. Brzezinski was correct in the Muslim and Asian backlash to this and stated that America would be driven from the Mideast. Yes indeed America is about to reach that position again in what Tel Aviv is plotting in strikes on Iran, but there is more to this that only the Lame Cherry will explain this to.

Meet you on the other side.

All I know as an analyst of international politics is (a war with Iran) this would be a disaster. And, frankly, I think it will be a disaster for us more than for Israel because, as a result of the war…. we will be forced out of the region... because of the dynamic hatred that develops. And, have no illusions about it, if the conflict spreads, we’re going to be alone… And if we are driven out, how much would you bet on the survival of Israel for more than five or ten years? Zbigniew Brzezinski, 

For the reality, Jewry is finished in the Mideast in 20 years. There are more Jews in America, living off Americans and screwing up elections, than in the state of Tel Aviv. Their birth rate is below necesaary and they will be engulfed by Islamic fruitful wombs in 20 years. That is one reason that Nutenayhu is so reactionary as he knows the clock has run out, as these Jews are entirely mRNA injected and are dying of diseases from this.

The only hope for Jewry to survive is for a Biblical protectorate managed by the Europeans with a Philistine state.That will not take place, until the stupid policies being led by in the Distreict of Columbia manifest the Brzezinski warnings.

In noting the Tel Aviv and Lindsey in the gay ear Graham meanderings toward world war, one focus appears and that focus is, the Iranian energy sector in bombing that. As China and Europe are major buyers of Persian crude, you will get the idea like France not liking their Lebanon blown to hell and Macron getting a Netanyahu cock shower in the face over this disrespect, that Iran is going to have some backing if their oil is not shipped, then these other oil fronts are not going to ship in the Mideast, driving crude up to 200 dollars a barrel.

This is not alarmist, but if you are Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, you are examining  this in thinking, "I want to drill baby drill which will wean America from foreign oil and make my Trump plan prosperous", and if you are Vladimir Putin you think, "200 dollar a barrel crude pays for this NATO war against me in Ukraine, cripples Europe as a NATO problem and puts China on the energy leash".

You can see that Iran blowing up Sunni oil ports, and maybe the Houthi smacking Saudi oil facilities that allot of people would be most pleased with this turn of events where Tel Aviv is blamed for a New Oil Order, running out of Russia and the United States.

Meet you on the other side.

 (We should also remember that Russia’s Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin visited Tehran just two days before Iran launched its ballistic missile attack on Israel. This suggests that Iran got the green light from Moscow to take action that corresponds with Putin’s idea of a “proportionate response.”)

As Tel Aviv is now attacking the Philistines and losing. Attacking Lebanon and checked. Attacking Syria to get Damascus and not getting anywhere and dreaming of war with Iran, there is only one Tel Aviv order of battle in they need to turn this nuclear. Either a "discovered dirty bomb" will be the trigger for regional strikes or a putting the big apple in a microwave to get America to hump the hound, is where Tel Aviv has to wag the dog to as they always engage in.

The tally on this is simple. If Tel Aviv attacks with nukes, or mass murders the Iranian leadership or attempts to destroy Iran, then Iran will nuke the land of the Netanyahu. If Tel Aviv plays with Iranian nuclear facilities then the Jews facility will be turned into Chernobyl. If Tel Aviv hits the energy sector, then selective oil damage to OPEC oil flow, drives up prices which Mr. Trump and Mr. Putin will exploit for national interest, and the Jews will be blamed for frozen libel of little kids freezing in Europe this winter.

This should explain the situation to even non donors. There is always in every situation a way to exploit a situation for your benefit. At this juncture, without a Jesus return, Iran will rule from Indonesia to the Atlantic across Africa after 2 decades. Iran will topple the Saudi regime and become protector of Medina with Europe being  the palace guard over Jerusalem where you can for 25 credits see an Ashkejew swindling some poor person out of their Widow's Mite.

White Christian America simply must not be dragged as Brzezinski warned into another Jew War which is what the jeopardy in all of this is. Both Biden and Trump must join in an American Doctrine that America will not be pushed into wars by manipulative small nations, in attacks, and that the American response will be to enact the United Nations to seize assets  of offending nations,to pay for the damage done to the United States.

Honestly the era of war is over. With banking transactions and the monitoring of trade, bad actors simply must have their assets garnered and be punished this way.

The proportionate response of Iran to Tel Aviv terror attacks on energy, will please economically Donal Trump and Vladimir Putin.

Nuff Said
