Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Trump Threat

I would like to say that Merrick and I agree that mob molestation 
is in danger by Donald Trump's large Merrickand I can't measure up.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I was reading the Bob Woodward Flash Bang which was supposed to about the Biden clap trap and what keeps coming out is about Donald Trump. Apparently Obama, Biden and Harris are so boring and stupid that a book about them, has to be about Trump.

The newest part was that faggot, Gen. Mark Milley went over after Donald Trump turned the government over to Joe Biden, even with proof of vote fraud by mail in ballots,that Milley told the new Attorney General, Jewish Merrick Garland who was hunting down millions of Ameircans over Jan6, that Trump even out of power was a fascist and the greatest threat to America...........I think he meant a threat to democracy.

I like looking up words and found these definitions, although Word Web is conused on democracy as they were listing it as Republicanism, and basically failed that a democracy is a mob of people who rule over a minority which has no rights. An example is, a democracy can vote to make castrating fat ungly men legal, as there are more women than men.

Here you can read the definitions below.


A political theory advocating an authoritarian hierarchical government (as opposed to democracy or liberalism)


The doctrine that the numerical majority of an organized group can make decisions binding on the whole group


A political system in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who can elect people to represent them

So Donald Trump is a threat, because Trump is a ruling group of people who administer rule from an organised command on down. That sounds like the US military.  The military seems to function quite well in not allowing democracy or organized rape...........well the woke are raping ass all the time now an the military is kind of shit to the wind, so it would seem that being ass rape queer defeats military fascism.

Now that does not seem to be a reason for General Faggot to be conferencing with Merrick Garland about Donald Trump being a threat, when immorality crumbles fascism..........and Donald Trump has included feces scented penis into his platform, so Donald Trump is not much of a threat to anyone.

Here is an example. How many millions of people did Donald Trump use the FBI to hunt down like Jan6? None.

Donald Trump fascism is not a threat to Americans. A civilized order not coddling woke mobs and making them tow the line is a threat to that.......a threat to little Pentagon pooper who count on a stupid mob to fleece by conglomerates, is a threat to this feudal system which.........yes is protected by Merrick Garland's police state shooting, framing and imprisoning Americans.

That pretty much explains and sums this all up as that is what the Lame Cherry does.

Just a bit of information. We will have a dictator. It may be Harris. It may be Trump or it may be Vladimir Putin or it might be the anti Christ. We have had nothing but dictators since Obama and Bien in executive orders and the fraud that gave Obama control over the House and Nancy Pelosi passed all that shit and John Bungholer Roberts in his corruption called it kosher.

Fascism is the least of our concerns.

Nuff Said

