Saturday, October 19, 2024

Feeling 1980 - Feeling 2024

I was the worst president in history and I'm not giving that up to Kamala Harris.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Most of you children are not like the popular girl turned poor orphan in being able to live in the future or experience the past so that history has not the depth of meaning it has for me. I was listening to TL concerning the coming elections and all the drama of meltdowns and whatever over Donald Trump, and I can tell you after moving through 1980 AD in the year of our Lord in the same upheaval of Jimmy Carter as is now with Joe Biden, the feeling is not the same.

In 1980, people were on edge. They were scared. They were being tortured and humiiated daily wiht hostages in Iran. Americans are being humiliated and tortured with the Obama invasion, but it is not the same edge.
Yes in 1980, it was known if Carter got into office again, that a world war would start with the Soviet Union due to Carter's weakness, but as we look at Joe Biden he has been rather solid the past month in not starting wars, and people are to the point of they are ready to turn the page like with Reagan, this time Trump again, a known entity and we are watching Kamala Harris just politically dissolve.

That is the feeling I'm reading in all of this. The Christophobes like Rob Reiner had their meltdown, got rid of Biden, caused the Harris disaster and have gone quiet and they made their own defeat and they can try and deny Donald Trump the presidency, but none of them after seeing Harris and Walz wants these halfwits in power as they make Biden on a bad day, look like a genius.

It feels more like America wants to exhale, and just put this behind us and move on. Can there be rent a terrorists to burn things down so the military gets involved" Of course, because the scenario might be that Biden does the military, we have more examples of vote fraud in states flipping, but Trump still wins the Electoral College, while Harris is vote frauded the general election. She won't concede, Trump won't concede from the Florida White House, and with the military in motion, this might be thrown to the Supreme Court, who will throw Kamala Harris out when she will not certify the election for Donald Trump over insurrection charges.

That seems like the scenario as something is really wrong with Kamala Harris now. She is not coherent anymore. She is being exposed as the dimwit she is, on a scale that is making people realize the reason she never realized Joe Biden was senile, was because Kamala Harris is not operating with a full deck.

I have given you the hard data. Donald Trump even with vote fraud is winning the electoral college. There is a huge slide in voting to Donald Trump in all states. He is drawing votes from Harris Walz in a huge portion. The same shift happend with Ronald Reagan from Jimmy Carter.

What each of you can not be sucked into is the psyops of this which is running hard. We are going to have dictator next year no matter if it is Trump or Harris. You do not Jan6 or you will get into jail or shot. You can not stop this beast, as you are too small, but know that if Harris gets in there, there is going to be a hell of a war coming, and on that Russia and China field, that is where this all gets dealt with. Your occupation is being right with Jesus, making sure you are prepared in what you need and just watching this all go by like a gopher in their hole.

I believe the odds are that Trump is installed after some theater. We are going to see the military active. We are going to with Trump see a parting with Russia for peaceful existence as this shifts Obama to Asia. Trump will drill oil. Deport the worst of the invaders, and let more in. The economy once they shift the debt to E coin which is a rigged fraud to fund the Euro 10, will do well, which means you should have a pause of a few years of something good.

I just understand the Germans and know who to deal with them. They are lethal, but I know the nuances of their speak and thought. It is different with these woke as they are like a meat ginder which keeps churning and looking for more things to chew up.

All is churning as Biden is running the churn too in the talking line of jailing Trump and not certifiying the election. He has to do this to keep his nuts and Kamala content as they know she is losing this election even with fraud. Just remember there are real adults behind all of this and no one from Biden or Trump is setting what will take place in this theater.

Euro 10 needs an American bank account to fund it, and no war with Russia for several more years. That leans to Trump elected and those measures he is putting forward being enacted. While 1980 and 2024 have the same events, they feel different, but yet in the end they feel the same in Americans just want this over and are willing to suffer through 4 more years of Donald Trump, rather than another female version of Obama in Kamala Harris.

I would relax and just enjoy this as the insane theater it is.

Nuff Said

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Nuff Said
