Saturday, October 19, 2024

That Genuine Aluminum Birch Bark Chippewa Canoe


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I realize you money hoarders get tired of hearing how much God loves me, in He only tolerates you to steal money through usury before the White Throne Judgment,  and me, the poor orphan girl, He invests time in, in plotting lovely adventures of discovery, to find the exact things that I desire.

I realize I'm very picky. For starters, I don't want new stuff. New stuff has no character. You worry about it getting used, and you just don't use it, as you can't enjoy it, so for me..........yes the reality is, God has to shop around a great deal to get me exactly what I wanted as I'm very special to God. As I said, you got portfolios. I got God Adventures.

As you can see by the above in our 1997 pick up, the ancient Globe Star which is now our shop on wheels, and the new find of a 1974 Alumacraft, 16 foot canoe, that God loves me very much. I have wanted a canoe for a very long time, no the 50 years of this canoes life, but I have wanted one off and on for a very long time.

This saga begins in going to town and being observant as I knew something has been off about the neighbors, not that I have ever met these people as in the Brier you just kind of keep to yourself as it is the polite thing to do, and .......I forget what else in not wanting to be shot in being too talkative to the neighbors, but I noticed their garden was not in as early and not tended to, so something was up, and the place went up for we stopped for the garage sale.

There were lots of great stuff as this was a man's sale, not those women sales with clothes and diapers on them, which really suck. As I was wandering around, I found this canoe in the back and was most delighted. The seller said that some old bag wanted it, but it was her grandson who was going to come by later and get it, so no canoe.

We got our stuff which will remain hidden, but I got a smoker for free as I purchased a 15 dollar aluminum pickup tool chest.......they retail like 450 I said God loves me as you just get devil usury money and I get neat stuff.

So we went back to pay for our stuff and I was talking to the husband, and I asked about the canoe if the kid wanted it. He said the canoe was not spoken for, so for 15 bucks..........I gave him 20 we got the canoe and a fantastic story, as I only purchase fantastic things like Two Chiefs.

As it turns out, and I assure you, that you can trust the story as it was from homeschoolers and they never lie, that this canoe was the property of Chief Chippewa. You may have seen her as the Chippewa were very advanced socially, being they were mostly French blood from the Voyageurs, and are really the Chippecois. She appeared selling Minnesota butter for white man profit.


Even if the canoe says 1974 on the license, pay no attention to that diversion as the manufacture date by Alumacraft of Minneapolis Sovietsota was really 1864 AD in the year of our Lord. This canoe was made from the noted Aluminum Bark Birch Trees which grow on the banks of that Great Lake that is in Wisconsin, probably Superior as it is superior aluminum bark. Only Indians now like the Chippecois can harvest this bark, so you do not see many canoes around with aluminum bark hulls now.

All of this started in 1864 AD in the year of our Lord in the Great Sioux Terrorist Genocide of Socialist Germans in Minnesota. They had been put up to it by the Confederacy and Canada, to wipe out Americans in the interior and split the United States up in the Civil War.

Upon news of the terror campaign on the Little Minnesota River, the Red Lake Band of the Chippewa, rose up in one person, Chief Chippewa whose name is Tonto Chippewa, yes she was the inspiration of the Lone Ranger character which Jay Tarheels played as the name means Benevolent Friend.

Tonto jumped into her canoe, with her bow made of willow, and her 100 quivers of arrows, and paddled night and day through the Minnesota interior, where she reached the Minnesota River and single handedly began driving back the Sioux terrorists. The German settlers noted time and again the sound of rushing wind like duck wings, this was Chief Chippewa firing her arrows so fast that her elk tendon bowstring glowed red.

As Tonto was a very humble Chief, the military nor the Americans knew nothing of her exploits in saving the German race in Minnesota.

I asked the homeschoolers about two nasty gashes in the hull of this canoe and they said they were from the spears of the Indian terrorists. The Chief had emerged from a growth of wild rice, when she was ambushed by the 4000 Indian terrorists who took part in the massacre that General Sibley chased to Lake of the Devil in North Dakota. The gash on the right side of the canoe was made by the terror leader, Tiny Black Bird, and the gash on the port side was made by the spear of Deuce Calf. 

I asked if the spears were included, and they informed me  that the Chief upon receiving the salvo, pulled the spears out and threw them back. TBB was hiding behind a cottonwood and she threw it, splitting the tree in half. This tree was still seen growing as of 1976, but was blown down in a storm of that year. The spear of Deuce Calf hit the mark, and was an exceptional throw as the terrorist was on his pony, fleeing for his life, when the Chief threw the spear almost straight up, and it came perfectly down to impale the terrorist into he saddle. For almost a decade afterwards the Germans told spooky tales of a skeleton rattling by their homes in the night on this white footed pony. Then the reports just stopped as the sightings ended in 1874 AD in the year of our Lord.

So I once again have a national treasure worth a fortune, as what else would God give me, as He loves me. My plan is to repair the hull as the repairs of the Chief have deteriorated, and where am I going to get a wampum belt of buffalo calf now, as the rich donors are holding onto their earthly treasures. So I will use epoxy, and that adventure will appear here, as aluminum watercraft are soft aluminum. If you heat them the aluminum becomes extra hard and brittle. So the best solution is to use an epoxy for aluminum and water and plug these gashes up this way, as I have plans for adventures with TL in this historical Chippecois canoe, made from genuine aluminum birch bark fro 1864. I know some reports are the uprising was in 1862, but news of it did not get out until 1864 so that is the explanation of the apparent confusing dates.
