Sunday, October 20, 2024

Posse Comaradus


Yes the Biden leadership is prepared for what is out there.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I have noticed that the Merrick Garland Department of Justice has now issued orders, removing Congress from the legal position, in arming the US military to deploy it to shoot Americans who are deemed some sort of problem.

This is Posse Commatatus, the  using of federal troops to police the population, which is not Matt Dillon with a posse to protect the people.

I am the Lame Cherry and it seems I perhaps am like Abraham Lincoln at times in telling stories to illustrate points to educate those points into your minds. In the Brier, our governor decided that hunting down Americans while leaving invaders to erase and replace us was kosher. The Gov deployed her state police to be highway robbers in hunting down drivers, even on back paved roads. So like all Darwin laws of natural selection, this popular girl started taking back roads, and so were my neighbors to get into town to shop. Now mind you the local police, know TL and myself as we always sit toether in the pick up. In fact they waved at us today as we drove own a back street. They recognize us from JYG's in which they drive around us as we stand in the road as JYG has piles of things dumped off right up to the street, so that is where we stand. Everyone just drives on the wrong side of the road for that block, even the cops.

In continuing on with the above, the reason is this point, in the back way, due to flooding, the government ripped out the bridge, so it was this big hole, that TL and a few times drove down to look at, as we had to drive a few more miles out of the way to sneak into town.

About a month ago, we checked and the construction crews were gone. The ROAD OUT signs were there but the people of the Brier are a people like most Americans who colour out of the lines. It might be a farmer moving a heavy barrier out of the way, it might be the road crew as they are lazy, it might be some one how lives on that road who got tired of driving around, but with the road not a big hole, the locals were busy driving over that Wilderness Way to our delight........dodging the signs barring us from going that route.

The reason for noting this is, that in Posse Comaradus, the Comrads think they are goig to deploy troops all over the place in America to keep the order.  I can tell you that in the Brier our Gov was quite llbertarian at times in the plague years, but the only reason the Gov was is because the people here would not have listened to this depot anyway. The Gov was an astute politician.......they get out in front of what the mob is going to do and get cheered for it.

America is still a large place. Road blocs may work, but the people are like rats in they will find the holes, they will go around and they will dodge the barriers just like the people of the Brier do. It does not matter if it is the toothless of Kentucky or the gutter trash of New York. People will find was to make a way around barriers.

I do not know if the Department of Justice is stoking what is coming to start a civil unrest, but history, American history whether the insurrection in Massachusetts in the Articles of Confederation or the South seizing federal stores, centers on one point. The minute that a federal troop starts putting bullets into Americans, you are going to see a porcupine of all kinds of arms deployed against that Posse. The more the military then retaliates, the larger the murder mob which will erupt into an inferno. It will be people who will see things and say nothing, and it will be people who will strike the attackers.

From an American Founders reality, the main reason there never was a wide scale deployment of troops against Americans, was because it was a volcano which would erupt from the mob. General US Grant after his early success in the West in the Civil War, stated, that the only way the South would be subdued was that the South would have to be destroyed. Those Southerners were Americans. Americans still exist in all sectors. For Barack Hussein Obama's legacy of importing invaders to erase and replace Americans, somehow have overlooked that their slaves, evaded capture, are felons to the max in their skills. The heart of liberty beats in people once they cross that border. They will be as murderous to any troops than any American would be in being tread upon.

This is thee most ignorant or inflammatory action by the DOJ as not any good can come from this.

There will be two sides and both will view the troops as the adversaries, as they are human and they will beat up, rape, steal and murder Americans. That is what armies do and these woke troops of America are vaxed, cell phone immoral trained.

This blog does not advocate violence. There simply is not, unlike Jan6 and after which was a non violent Trump supporter group, any way for there not to be violence and counter violence ,which will escalate. This is far beyond the Obama Soros Buffett rent a mob of BLM and ANTIFA. This is going to incite violence when this starts roughing up the public.

Americans will evade this deployment, but if these gung ho drone troops follow those Americans, that is when the trip wires will be tripped.

This is not violence alone. This is the precursors to violence. You get troop violence and commece ceases. Commerce ceases and people act out in self protective ways for supplies.

The best advice is to stay home and stay peaceful and let whatever is being plotted to burn itself out. Most of this will not touch most of us. We will continue to evade the barriers to get our errands done and be like the Darwin gophers we have been practiced at in plagues and Jan6.

As this blog has stated, Dictator Biden should be coordinating with Donald Trump, for a united message for stability.

In posting this, I'm most interested in will this be the non event of Chicago 2024 DNC or is this going to be a military deployed by a President to thwart the votes of millions of Americans much as Abraham Lincoln accomplished.

These are the times we are captive in.

