Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Kiev Bomb

We call it the goy bomb.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

You may remember the reports from the Lame Cherry that Kiev in the salt mines which Russia conquered was in the process of building nuclear bombs. If you read below, there is confirmation that Kiev, like Japan, has a stockpile of materials or nuclear bombs, which have not yet been assesmbled.

Meet you on the other side.

Ukraine Claims It Could Have Nuclear Weapons
Within Weeks - German Media

Trump Warns Ukraine Pushing For WW3 -
'I’m Going To Halt Their Plans For Armageddon'

Bild has now revealed that a Ukrainian official involved in weapons procurement claimed “a few months ago” that Kiev was willing to go nuclear.

“We have the material, we have the knowledge. If the order is given, we will only need a few weeks to have the first bomb,” the unnamed official said, according to the German tabloid. He added that the West should “think less about Russia’s red lines and more about ours.”

So it took over a year, but the Lame Cherry is proven right again. Kiev has all that parts, but it has not compressed the uranium into form. They simply need to go into production.

The threat from these Ashkejew's is real. They will use this material which will signature close enough to Russian material to finger Russia for any pre positioned suitcase nukes to be "discovered in the West. In watching this guild go after Trump in their finance and liars, they would remove some Western city and leave other evidence around to prompt NATO to act on this framing of Russia.

This is John the hero McCain, Lindsey Graham, Victoria Nuland and Bush / Cheney's fault. America should never have gotten into bed with this devious lot as they are now threating to use nuclear weapons in Western cities to provoke a war with Russia.

Just remember in the plotted upheaval, the Obama Inc insurrection, and if Donald Trump is elected, that it will be THREE MONTHS before Mr. Trump could do anything to shut this down. He very sadly could inherit a nuclear war, because the principles are threatening and have every intent of going rogue.

Nuff Said

