As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The United States has faced an overthrow of our Government and the usage of innocent people who were framed as a cover for this.
We may face further problems where President Trump will have to enlist the US Military to secure the country, but as Joe Biden as an American Statesman for his legacy and the peaceful continuation of Governance of America, has welcomed President elect Trump graciously, there is hope that Mr. Trump will be able to govern in like terms as President Abraham Lincoln ushered in as the emotions of elections had settled and the focus of Americans working together for the nation became the issue.
The whole structure of the government is firm and stable; apprehensions of public danger and facilities for treasonable practices have diminished with the passions which prompted heedless persons to adopt them. The insurrection is believed to be declining.
The President in view of these facts and anxious to favor a return to the normal course of the administration, as far as regard to public welfare will allow, directs that all political prisoners of state prisoners' now held in military custody be released on their subscribing to a parole engaging them to render no aid or comfort to the enemies of hospitality to the United States. To all persons released and keeping parole the President grants amnesty for any past offenses of treason or disloyalty.
The Secretary of War would at his discretion still hold in jail any person detained as spies or others deemed in their release as operating against the public safety.
Extraordinary arrests will hereafter be made under the direction of military authorities.
President Abraham Lincoln.
Yes there are those deranged, those criminal, those of hate, who will never let go of their obsessions, but in this hate porn, the Lame Cherry is not going to internet lynch Donald Trump for sins of his appointments when they have not been confirmed or done anything as that is not American. The Lame Cherry will thank Joe Biden for his graciousness, for his statesmanship, for his being an American in this transition from them hottest of rhetoric and actions.
When Donald Trump can sit, walk, and visit with as a gentleman and Joe Biden can promote those same feelings of good will, those are American realities which can be applauded as we have had enough of the underhanded subterfuge which has plagued all of us, pitting us against each other.
The past is what we know, and we let go of. The present is what we prepare for the future of the unknown. We though can go forward with the better angels of our nature and the American leadership in thee Executive is the example of that.
Joe Biden's legacy is peacemaker inside America.