Friday, November 22, 2024

Stuck Lids


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We have all had stuck lids on canning jars or whatever, like I had in bouilon lids on a jar the other day. We also have had those worthless lid openers that slip and fail and you are stuck where you were, including running hot water over the things.

The following is a method, that you have to be careful with, but it did open that last jar lid, and most people, women included have no idea of what this tool is, in a Channel Lock pliers. It is just an adjustable pliers in the large size, but this is what I use to hold the lid firmly to unscrew it.

Darwin disclaimers, you clamp down on a tin lid, and there is glass under is going to break the glass and probably cut you. So you have to have common sense and get the feel for this like a safe cracker.

In addition, there is always that person who may hold the jar and put their fat ass weight into it, and shatter the jar and slice themselves open. That is why God created gloves. You have a problem lid, so you show up with a tool to remedy it, and you wear gloves and some of you might need eye protection as you go king kong .......and it probably needs to be said in woke world that if you are Darwin in breaking the jar, you do not eat the contents. For those who would experience the above, you should probably just consider the jar a lost cause and surrender in defeat.

This is though how I deal with stuck lids and am careful as cutting off my arm does not really solve things and a Channel lock can do little for spurting arteries.

Nuff Said
