As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Mr. President Elect, this is going to be a short article as it calls for you ending Emission Control on vehicles, tractors, heavy equipment and whatever else they have stuck computers into in this California hostage taking of all America.
The EPA can on Day 1 end this and order manufacturers to build carburetor vehicles and equipment again. If Ford refuses in their fag billionaires, seize their Ford Foundation as they funded this invasion from there for decades. It is time Ford pay this cost to America along with all these other invasion foundations.
Furthermore, if woke Ford, John Deere and whatever refuses, you make peace with Russia and inform them that the Belarus tractors are exempt as they were before from emission controls, along with whatever else is out there in Russian manufacture and you import those affordable things into America.
When California refuses to comply, cut their monopoly and make them buy emission control engines from China and Germany and then tariff the hell out of California. Put them on foot and you will see a real revolution take place in electing Trump Republicans to take control of that state.
This is your throw down time and you MUST gain control over this in order to gain control over your rebuilding manufacturing in America. Include Toyota as they make fine vehicles. The Japanese Kubota sucks in running in cold weather, because their fuel tank is at the bottom of the cab, and not on top of the engine where Case International and John Deere used to have the fuel tanks to help war the diesel so it would not gel up.
See I do know that I'm talking about from the nuts and bolts up.
End Emission Controls from Day 1 Mr. President. You have good people appointed but you need to steer this in a more complete direction for Americans to provide you a landslide in the midterms.
Nuff Said