The difference between a con and a coin is the I.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I would like you to read the following by the economic guy named Armstrong. Remember in reading this for all Armstrong's knowledge, he is operating on fix boundary of cause and effect. Like when people thought gold was the only thing money could be, and a shift had to take place that paper representation of gold was acceptable.
Remember when he states that this recession depression will take place until 2028 AD in the year of our Lord, that is 4 years, the same amount of time which a depression took place in the 1890's in America, which President William McKinley inherited and with tariff's ushered in a golden age into America.
My children and my brats will already know the basis of this next statement in, "The Lame Cherry can fix this". So Donald Trump can fix this.
Armstrong says, “Our computer has been projecting that we are going into a depression in some areas and a recession in other areas. A depression most likely in Europe and a recession in the United States up until 2028. . . . At my November conference, everybody was celebrating after Trump won. I stood up and told my clients, ‘I’m sorry, Trump is not going to have a blissful administration, and he’s not going to prevent the economic decline.’ (Please remember, Armstrong predicted Donald Trump would win in a landslide many months before the November 2024 Election.)
Armstrong goes on to say, “We have a serious, serious problem on a global scale. . . . The sovereign debt crisis is really going to start percolating in 2025. It’s probably going to reach a major crisis by 2026 and 2027. Why? They have dictated all these banks and pension funds . . . 70%, generally, must be invested in government bonds. . . . They say it’s ‘safe,’ but it’s the worst debt possible. . . . So, if the government goes into a sovereign default, what happens? You wipe out the banking system and the pensions.”
Does Armstrong think the governments around the world are going to go into a sovereign default? Armstrong says, “Oh yeah. How does a government default? We are in this Ponzi Scheme.
There are two ways to fix this.
Way 1. Those trillions stolen from you are still in bank accounts, so you seize them and you export all these invaders, and begin restoration of thee American economy in manufacture.
Way 2. Create a counter balance as Abraham Lincoln did in 1863 for the Civil War, and in this case, it is Trump coin mining, which offsets the massive debt and gains control over this monster, and more to the point bails out Europe and Asia, as you export all these invaders and begin restoration of thee American economy in manufacturing.
President Donald Trump has chosen Way 2, with his Saxons in Peter Thiel and Elon Musk. All of what we are in, is by design to create this situation we are all facing. It will as in the German Republic, cause an economic meltdown to usher in new measures of economics. Now we know we are in a scheme and another scheme is coming in e coin, but it is our only scheme, so this is what we will operate from, because the alternative is a financial wipe out and another world war.
What we will say is this. Now remember it was the Normans with their Dutch bankers, with the Jew pawn brokers who caused all of this for their international control. The Kaganites and Neocons get wet over this stuff like Bill Gates bug eating. What we are coming to is the Assyrian bankers and militants who are ushering in their order. The same which built all empires from Babylon to Rome. Yes it is a scheme, but it is the only one to play, and once you know the authors, one plays the odds in Jesus return will rescue us from the certain occupation of the order.
This is why one is prepared, so that having food and raiment, let us be therewith content.
We have before us a reality of inflation and a necessity that deflation must begin, which should have begun in George W. Bush and Birther Hussein Obama, but instead Black Rock absorbed Obama computer generated money, and started buying up things, propping up high prices and expanded upon in Biden in these millions of invaders, brought to all shores by Obama destruction of the 3rd world.
This is a matter of survival. This is not a matter of Ford having Taco Nigs to sell shitty Ford's to that will break in 4 years to force another sale. That means these invaders who are consuming resources, must go back to their shit hole where toilet paper and other costs of living are non existant and they return to their monkeys in the bush subsistance.
America has 500 million people. America must get rid of 250 million invaders and foreigners. This will cause deflation by resources saved. Yes this will cause lack of commerce to the platforms which gain profit from the Taco Nigs in employers, groceries, cell phones and other bling that the invaders buy, along with cars. They do not buy breakfast cereal or other American things, like computers. They are erase and replace Americans. When they are removed, with an American commerce adjustment, then the old profits will emerge. The essence being that American industry will be forced to build washing machine again which last 25 years instead of 5 years. At least the ones they sell to Americans, while the foreign markets will get the ones that break down.
As the Lame Cherry has stated, this is about breaking BRICS, this is about a time when gold is shit worthless, so it can be acquired by a full source Dollar, backed by e coin. This is an economic war, which when conducted properly never manifests into a hot war. There may be indeed a rather hot war in parts of Europe, but the Reich has no interest in having Berlin in blood or radioactive. This is about establishing the Assyrian order. You do that with flattery, not bombs.
There is nothing in this to be in fear of. People were fine with President McKinley. Left to it's natural order of economic restructuring this will fix itself in 4 years. If Mr. Trump employs what is at his disposal, this is going to be an adjustment for the United States, a welcome adjustment in many ways in deflation and getting rid of the invaders. Mr. Trump seems to have a like for the Curry Nigs, meaning cut and paste technocrats in this society he is building the Trump Golden Age. That means slave labor stays in the shit hole nations and America graduates to a techno robotic prosperity.
Can this be abused? Yes it can. Used though correctly this will be a secure time.
It is what it is. It requires out of the box thinking and that is what is taking place to create a new economic system. I understand this as it is simple as explained here. It is simply creating value out of what you say has value and believing it. That is how this works.
Nuff Said