Tuesday, December 31, 2024

HAARP to Freeze Americans and Puts Donald Trump on a Leash

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

HAARP generated a stratospheric air shift which it will put into place over America and drop temperatures for the first two weeks of January by over 30 degrees. This is nothing normal. This is manmade weather terrorism.

It is simple proof that the energy companies in league with the chem companies and using HAARP are driving up energy prices to affect the public in Europe and the United States. They are not afraid in the least of Donald John Trump or they would not be so engaged.

Donald Trump remains silent as this terrorism takes place to the harm of everyone in this rapine.

If Mr. Trump was of any substance, he would have Elon Musk and John Homan hunting down these criminals for Day One to be apprehended and when convicted taken out and hung.

You are all about to feel the effects of this attack upon the United States. It mirrors Black Rock fags shutting down energy to Europe by Kiev. This is all coordinated and by design.

Donald Trump has had is limits exposed as he parties at his millionaire golf course with the elite.

Elon Musk is at war with Americans over Ganges techs for cheap labor and Donald Trump is partying with the people who are terrorizing Americans.

One word from Donald Trump in vowing to hang this group would end this.

Nuff Said

Nuff Said