As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
You do know that Russia annexed South Ossetia, Crimea and is in the process of cleaning out Donbass?
You do know that Peking Reds annexed Tibet and are extending limits in the Pacific to other nations like Philippines, Taiwan, Japan and Vietnam.
What is good for the Russians and Chinese is good for America.
'We Take What We Want’ - NY Post Readers on Trump’s
Bids for Panama Canal and Greenland
It is time the Trump Doctrine melds the Doctrines of Monroe in no Eurasians allowed in the Americas, the Polk Doctrine to annex to South America and the Roosevelt Doctrine of annexing Canada, all combine this Trump Doctrine, including Greenland which is held hostage by European Denmark, and Panama held hostage by China, and the numerous areas in the Americas still held captive by colonial British and French. It is time the United States enforces the doctrine of America First for all Americas.
It is time the Reds of Ottawa and London answer for the attack upon America from them in Russiagate to overthrow the United States for Obama Inc.
Nuff Said