Sunday, December 29, 2024

Lincoln's Bank - Trump's Bitcoin


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

In a remarkable repeat of history, President Elect Donald Trump is facing the same economic collapse which President Abraham Lincoln faced. I had pondered whether Mr. Trump had a Secretary of the Treasury Chase as Mr. Lincoln to deal with this situation, but the reality is, Donald Trump's Major Domo is represented by this Afrikaaner German faction which has been shepherding his positions in Peter Thiel and Elon Musk.

Mr. Lincoln in the Civil War created by Yankee interests and Jewish banking, of New York City and European capitals, was by 1862 AD in the year of our Lord, hemorrhaging money from the Treasury. It simply was broke at 2 million dollars a day with no end of the war in sight.

Lincoln was no economic wizard, no more than he was a foreign policy genius. He stayed in his bounds and trusted a great deal to Secretary Seward for foreign policy and Sec. Chase for monetary policy.

The idea in a nation then of thousands of monetary notes out there, so many that a retailer book was established to sort through which bank was broke and which was solvent as money honestly was being issued in states and was worthless in other states, was to create once again a National Bank, not like the National Bank which President Andrew Jackson destroyed which was of benefit to America, but without a policy to deal with all these banks issuing notes and all this Treasury money flowing to banks, immense speculation and swindle took place, which caused the first real Great Depression in America.

Money is no good in the hands of the few and money is no good if allot of hands are not astutely handling it.

- Lame Cherry

What Lincoln agreed to was first a Greenback, a US currency of promissory note value, worth about 140 dollars to 100 dollars in gold, which the Treasury issued as legal tender after some wrangling, to pay bills and to fund the war. This was but the first step as President John Kennedy embarked upon with his Silver Certificates before he was assassinated, as the second step created a national bank which was more like a money laundering house, than a bank. This is not to state it was criminal, but it was the way this monetary system distributed and stabilized the currency.

Speculation as in inflation which we are being impoverished by now, is what the Lincoln era was facing in too much money for debt being created, which drove up prices as working people were unable to afford to live. This in turn sprung the first major union movements in America over wages, and the most important device the working people centered on, and that was they demanded time for their children to go to school to be educated, in order to break out of their class system.

Into this the manifestations of Jewry in Karl Marx made comment into some of the unions and of interest the American workers desired no part of communism, as they wanted a free labor market to progress and not this Obama managed misery in everyone in the world as poor as Chinese slaves with Mexican slaves imported to America.

The  Lincoln Banks were created by any group of people who had 50,000 dollars. Into this a qualification was ordered of 1/3rd of the paid in capital of the bank, had to be backed by US Treasury Bonds which this bank then deposited into the Treasury. Only then would the Treasury print the backed amount of currency for this bank. In this way Lincoln stabilized the currency for the working people.

The investment in the US Bonds was rewarded by payment of gold on the interest to the banks holding these bonds.  This was a double reward system for the banks and would later be exploited by the Rothshchilds upon Lincoln's assassination in being paid in American gold for the Greenbacks, but this was the funding of the war and the stabilizing of the economy which was bankrupt and about to be gobbled up by European finance with New York Yankees.

Donald Trump faces the same illegitimate system, but already having the clutter of a Federal Reserve which manages money not for Americans, but the hedge fund faggot trillionaire account as those trillions Americans are enslaved to are in some important people's bank accounts, Donald Trump's Saxons are engaged in another scheme which like Lincoln is going to create money out of the word of the Government, and this time it is Bitcoin which is going to outprice the debt by becoming more expensive than the debt to save America.

This will work and yes it is a fiction and everyone knows it. America will mine Bitcoin and gain the upper hand on this system which has enslaved the population.  There is more going on here in this AI chit as everyone knows Obama created trillions by pushing a button on a keyboard. In every scheme, you simply say something is something and it is, that is what Bitcoin is, as it does not exist, but people say it does.

The US Treasury simply could mine coins and not mine them and report they did. What they are doing with these computers or if this use of electricity is the scam to keep most other nations out of the realm of coin creation is the substance of this scheme. What is unacceptable is the  announcement that Exxon is not going to drill oil. No Exxon is going to mine coin and use American natural gas for it's power consumption. BULLSHIT! If the oil companies want in on this, then they assist President Donald Trump in dropping fuel prices across the board to 25 cents a gallon for our natural gas. They do not get it for free and they do not get to inflate our energy prices for their profit rape of the world again.

This is the National Bank of Lincoln in the National Bitcoin of Trump. There must be safeguards in this. Lincoln stipulated requirements on the banks and he stipulated the working people would be protected, while his war was profiting the Yankees and the Jews. That focus on Yankees and Jews is in Carl Sandberg's book on Lincoln as they were named as the problems with the cotton contraband coming out of the south in immense profits which were hurting America. Lincoln shut them down and made cotton only a commodity which the Government could deal with.

Mr. Trump is going to have to provide some measures in this where the US Treasury and only other certified interests can mine this coin for the benefit of the United States as this is a PUBLIC ASSET, no different than coal, gold or trees which is produced in America.

The Lame Cherry leaves this installment at that for your understanding of what awaits ahead and what must be done before we are robbed again.

This is about the best system to save America, providing there are qualifications to protect and reward the People.

Nuff Said
