Sunday, December 29, 2024

When the man comes around


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

There are stirrings and testing the political waters for the return of Sebastian Kurz to the leadership of Austria. To understand what is taking place in Austria is what is taking place in Europe and what was taking place in the United States, until Donald Trump was returned to power, in the disenfranchisement of the Conservative majority.

This disenfranchisement is rampant in France, in Madame LePenn won the majority of votes by the system parties thwarted the majority rule, so Manny Macron was placed into power, but that coalition has fallen apart. The same issue is taking place in Germany in that government has failed and will move to new elections.

If one observes from Romania, Georgia, Slovakia to Hungary, a right wing progression, friendly with Russia is on the rise in Europe.

In Austria, the majority party was denied leadership, as Austria swung into the current weak regime of Karl Nehemmer. 

The Freedom Party finished first in the election with 28.8% of the vote, ahead of Nehammer’s party, which took 26.3%. The center-left Social Democrats were third with 21.1%. The outgoing governing coalition of Nehammer’s party and the environmentalist Greens lost its majority.

Most of Europe is leaderless with factional parties unwilling to govern in the direction the People desire.

This is what is providing the opening for Sebastian Kurz and has Elon Musk involved in the AfD party in Germany which is another Conservative party denied power.

Elon Musk backs right-wing AfD party in German
newspaper opinion piece

What is being witnessed is the ascension of the Peter Thiel group, in the United States and more to the point in Germany with Elon Musk and in Austria with Thiel's partnership with Sebastian Kurz.

The card in this is Conservative Herbert Kickl who was in Kurz government as Interior Minister and rose to protect Austrians on the right of the police state in files held on people in seizing them. His protect Austria stance gained his Freedom Party the majority win in Austria, but was denied by the system parties.

This all is the background in the reality of the chatter that Europe is entering a Great Depression due to the woke politics of violating every reality of industry, finance and security. The globalist backing of the war against Russia in Ukraine has collapsed the economies of Europe. There is little manufacturing and Europe has the same problem with foreign invaders as the United States. Nehemmer is for close relations with Russia, but that Kiev Nazi is shutting down gas supplies to Europe and American liquid gas is too expensive, meaning the result is the dark ages appearing for Europe. They have no defenses against Russian missiles and the reality of their position is being exposed in not being able to be sustainable.

Thus the ruling socialists across Europe have denied the Peoples their votes and maintained this system which is not solving any problems or providing any direction, this is what he discontented of Austria are focusing on in the attempt either earlier or later for a return of Sebastian Kurz to leadership.

Europe is in dire need of a leader who can right the course of Europe and that process begins with the first necessity in peace with Russia. Sebastian Kurz is a friend of Vladimir Putin and in this with Hungary and Slovakia, a Conservative alliance could be formed.

To reach that point, OVP which is in decline under Nehemmer, would be pushed by the People's Party with Hickl for elections. In this, Sebastian Kurz would emerge as party leader in these elections. The duel would then be expected for Kurz to edge out Hinkl in votes, but form a ruling government with an OVP and FPO alliance.

He already had the campaign team: From ex-Minister Elisabeth Köstinger to ex-Cabinet chief Bernhard Bonelli, ex-consultant Stefan Steiner to ex-spokesman Johannes Frischmann, the former Kurz team is already working door to door in the joint office at Stubenring. In the short environment, an impending charge is not seen as a problem: „That has Donald Trump not harmed either. “

This bears watching as this is where Europe is transforming to. This is why the Board promoted Donald Trump in the 2024 victory and why all have been falling into line in America.

That is what this is all about what is happening with the rise of the order. We will witness how this goes as you should see Prophetic things coming to be.

Nuff Said
