As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Thee only person who died of some virus blamed on bird bug was a dying gimp in the South who was going to die anyway. The "cases" reported have all been mild.
If you trust these "tests" in milk cows you are as gullible as the people who trusted COVID tests which showed bogus results.
No more culling animals claimed to be sick to cause you higher food prices. Let them die and the ones which do not will gain immunity and that ends this bullshit, just like with every virus, the ones who are in the Darwin gene lottery die and the rest of us move on as our immune systems are built to recover from all of this.
You will notice that President Elect has kept his mouth shut on the bird bug as he got suckered last time by Fauci and Bobby Kennedy is going to hang Fauci and Bill Gates from the White House balcony.
WWE pay per view or tickets will be available for lawn seats.
Miss Pureblood says:
Is beer and popcorn included in the ticket price or it is
bring your own beer, babe and whatever?
Nuff Said