Tuesday, December 31, 2024

The Trump Doctrine

This is our Manifest Destiny for the world and with Elon Musk
we annex the Moon and Mars for America.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

We are witnessing the Germanic of the heritage of Donald Trump coupled with that of President James Monroe in the ever emerging Monroe Doctrine, which stated no foreign occupation of the America's in any form as Donald Trump engages in an expansion of American presence in thee Americas and shifts from Europe, and it is the hope of the Lame Cherry that Mr. Trump shifts from the Obama shift to war with China, in not projecting there as it is unnecessary when Donald Trump Economics begins emerging to supply the world.

Donald Trump has as manifest destiny, which is emerging in the purchase of Greenland in it's natural resources and in the guardianship of the Panama Canal in Panama which should never have been turned over to Panama and now China. For the record with bitcoin, the United States should purchase Greenland as an American Territory and widen and expand the Panama Canal to carry super cargo ships.

It is of note that in 1863, backers of Abraham Lincoln, numbers of them Democrats, saw 3 wars in the American sphere. The first was the Civil War to end slavery. The second was to bust the British out of the Americas, and the third was to put France over Uncle Sam's knee and order them out of thee Americas. This was never accomplished to America's harm, and is now something more than Donald Trump needs to talk about.

Robert J. Walker, noted American of the Trump era and Democrat, advocated that President James K. Polk, carry the Mexican War all the way to Panama, making that US territory. We would not have a Panama issue if America had settled  this 180 years ago.
The same in President Theodore Roosevelt stated that the United States should never have signed a treaty with England over Canada. America by population should have just annexed the land of the north as that was Manifest Destiny.

This is what President Donald Trump must begin procuring. Northern Mexico was originally Texas. That land belongs to the Republic of Texas and must be annexed. As you can see that Goddamn Ford Motor Company and Ford Foundation who started this invasion of America for the globalists and unleashed this globalist shit in electric vehicles is now trying to pay off Donald Trump in bribes. That is a start as the Ford Foundation either starts Henry Ford propaganda for America, or Trump seizes that and has Russia build durable vehicles, imports them and Ford can ride around up Obama's anus.

The winds of change have come. No more spouting off WWE dialogue. The United States simply informs nations like Denmark that according to the Monroe Doctrine, they are out of America and the United States takes over protectorship of Greenland.

It is time for American Expansion. When these Donald Trump manifestations of foreigners for America are spoken, fine, then put them into our extended state of Texas in what was Mexico and that is where the Swammies and whatever will reside and be exploited. Americans are not going to be put upon any more as second class and having to give up things. NO MORE OF THAT. It is Americans first and if these Niggeriggers want their pets, then you take the land and put them there and leave America for Americans. That is what Abraham Lincoln was engaged in, in dealing with millions of Negroes off the plantations.

Meet you on the other side.

Trump Wants to Buy Greenland—Described It as
an ‘Absolute Necessity’

Ford Donates Eye-Watering Amount of Cash for
Trump's Inauguration Along with Vehicle Fleet

Mr. Trump must shed his Anglo Norman Bulan problem and restore the Saxon American German reality for the benefit of a peaceful world. Germany must united with Austria, Hungary and take back Prussia.
America must have the Monroe Doctrine and get out of Eurasia extensions and make Greenland the frontier with our allies in Japan leading the Pacific and the Germans in Europe being the diplomatic front in dealing with Russia. Germany must be the protector in the Mideast.

This is accomplished by Trump coin in making the Dollar invincible as the currency of trade, high wages from tariffs, deflation by deporting invaders who eat resources and being the arsenal for Germany and Japan as a profit margin, as the new peace with Russia and Iran prevails as America disengages from globalism and restores the George Washington mandate of nor foreign intrigues.

This is where Donald Trump must evolve to. Canada must become loosed from the woke of Ottawa authoritarianism and as an independent extension of America, begin to enjoy the fruits of their national wealth for Canadians. It is time the Monroe, Polk, Roosevelt Doctrines all unite under the Trump Doctrine in the Americas First.

Nuff Said

