As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The current FBI director in Christopher Wray, is apparently graciously stepping aside, for a new Director to be appointed by President Trump in Kash Patel, who is a superb choice to restore the public's trust in the institution of the FBI, which has been horridly warped by Robert Mueller first flipping around senior management, James Comey allowing the FBI to be Obama taken over by the CIA in being weaponized and Director Wray has produced some disgraceful periods, from the FBI having assets rioting on Jan 6 in setting up innocent people, and his worst gaff which had to be corrected by the FBI, was his talking point that Mr. Trump was "not shot at Butler as it was shrapnel".
Trump taps longtime ally Kash Patel to replace
Christopher Wray As FBI Boss
Christopher Wray is part of that misfortunate group of the Bush fam with Chris Christie who simply were wandering off in their new world order globalism and abandoning thee American public. As Director William Colby was most concerned about in the public trust of the system, before he was assassinated, trust at least has the moment again to be proven in the new FBI Director, a historic first in not a pasty white guy.
Donald Trump and America needs a loyalist and that is what Mr. Patel has been. It is hoped that we can like Abraham Lincoln's era, put this era behind us, before a worse fracturing of America begins. Ronald Reagan provided such a new beginning after the disaster of Jimmy Carter, and was subverted by this kinder and gentler thuggery of Bush fam, the Clintons, Obamas and Bidens.
I realize that Bill Clinton is trying to now wade into the camp of the screaming cat women and hijack that group from Obama Inc for control of the party, which if Mr. Clinton talks them down, will be a great help to them, but the Hamrod rhetoric must end as we need a Robert Kennedy serving America, and not more intrigue and plotting in the FBI setting people up on stings.
I hope that Director Patel, cleans house at FBI, and asserts investigation and not set up as the mark of this once fine law enforcement institution.
- “[T]he FBI has become so thoroughly compromised that it will remain a threat to the people unless drastic measures are taken.” [The Economic Times]
2. “We’re going to come after the people in the media who lied about American citizens who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections. We’re going to come after you, whether it’s criminally or civilly. We’ll figure that out. But yeah, we’re putting you all on notice.” [Steve Bannon show.]
3. “The biggest problem the FBI has had, has come out of its intel shops. I’d break that component out of it. I’d shut down the FBI Hoover building on day one and reopen it the next day as a museum of the deep state.” [The Shawn Ryan show]
Nuff Said