Sunday, December 1, 2024

The Nancisurrection


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Trump Nominees Targeted With Bomb Threats
As Radical Groups Plan Massive Protests For
Inauguration Day - Chaos Will Likely Rule

According to the 2020 AD in the year of our Lord playbook and the 1861 AD in the year of our Lord playbook, this is exactly how the process is unleashed for a targeting of a population segment and for a suspension of rights enforcement.

Adolf Hitler made his own police force. He used the standing my to legitimize the necessities of governing. The same goose of the FBI and DOJ hunting down innocent people in 2020 AD in the year of our Lord is the same gander of 2025 AD which would be a beneficial asset with police and military leadership involved this time to provide order.

This is exactly what the President elect and his policy needs to flush the system and to deal with these screaming cat ladies who are now deprived of sex.

Francisco Franco did not imprison his malcontents. He put them into the military and baked their asses in Africa. This might be the "FEMA" solution for these trouble makers in some far off bases where they would die if they tried to escape as it would solve the Pentagon trying to shoot deserters.

The Lame Cherry is simply pointing out the reality of the coming events and how they will be useful. Be of good cheer for all things work together.. 
