Of course Dontard it is a compliment when I call your Preztard.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry appeals to President Elect Donald Trump as he walks back deportations.
The nature of this is COMPROMISE. For decades now under Bush,Clinton, Obama, Biden, and yes Trump in the first tax break for the rich while leaving Obama high taxes in place, Americans have been told to agree to be robbed in their wages and homes, and not get jack or shit in return.
When Elon Musk wants these brilliant Chinese spies who steal American technology and these brilliant Indians who steal American code and cut and paste it so websites do not work or rockets blow up on the launch pad for astronaut rescues, he can have them and America will degrade with the Musk geniuses. Americans though are not to be made to get nothing out of this situation. Elon Musk wants his tech niggers, so here is the compromise Mr. President Elect. You keep your tech niggers, but YOU SHUT DOWN ALL THIS BIDEN CASH FOR YOUR NIGGERS. You keep your foreigners and you instead send a 10,000 dollar NON IRS TAXED cash card to every American.
You give to Americans what you was looted from them and you give to Americans what you continue to loot from Americans in these billions of dollars of weapons for the Bulan Boyz of Kiev and Tel Aviv.
Musk and Ramaswamy spar with Trump supporters
over support for H-1B work visas
I will repeat this as the Lame Cherry is part of the retard America and of course could never do a tech job like writing a blog, editing codex and directing time lines that get people installed into the White House. You want your tech niggers.........you give a 10,000 dollar no taxable cash card to EVERY AMERICAN, and you keep doing this every year, until you are filled to the brim with all the tech niggers you want.
Musk Says Americans Are Too 'Retarded’
for Tech Jobs, Censors Critics
You get rid of the invaders for Cash Cards. Then you go next to the Pentagon and USDA for their subsidies and looting of America in the trillions to fund these 10,000 dollar cards for Americans.
And when you get done with that, you make Exxon and all these other conglomerates who are looting American energy for your bitcoin mining as that is OUR ENERGY and we are going to get checks for the use of our energy.
This is the acceptable compromise. You handed out Covid checks sort of as mine was later seized by the tax collectors as my taxes went up, so hand out Cash Cards to all Americans.
Oh and Mr. Musk and Mr. Swammie want their tech niggers. Let them pay a 10,000 dollar a head tribute to Americans for every tech nigger they employ and import, EVERY YEAR.
It is called compromise.
Lastly, the retard Americans are bright enough to not antagonize an armed voting base which is holding the real power in America in calling people retards.
Nuff Said
Nuff Said