Monday, January 6, 2025

Benefits of being an American

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The people behind your captivity engaged in this deliberately by taking your money. They did this through inflation and ludicrous mandates like medical costs and energy costs. They are not going to willingly give this up as they have you where they want you, as a dependent and not a competitor.

Here is how this is fixed though.

Would you have enough money, if......

Your income tax was removed?

If your real estate payments were removed?

If you did not have high energy costs?

If you did not have high medical costs?

The answer is yes you would have half your wages returned to you immediately.

So the solution is not have Americans pay for these over priced things, and make the invaders and people who have not been Americans pay the full cartel prices.

Call it the benefits of being American.

All easily solved and when they can hand out cash cards to invaders, they certainly can pass a law restoring your rights and giving you as an American, all these exemptions. This is a fraud economy as we all know that is propped up as the conglomerates get trillions for power lines and bombs, but Americans are deprived of the cash flow.

Until a candidate and the media begins setting the terms on this level, you have no solutions and they all know it, as they are not working in your interests, but the interests of the feudal few.

This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Nuff Said
