As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Congratulation to Donald John Trump and to JD Vance for being certified in the most necessary Electoral College vote counted by Congress to safeguard American Elections from mob tyranny.
In other vistas in the Trump 51st states of Canada............
The Cuban communist Justin Trudeau fled from office in knowing President Donald Trump and Americans are coming for what Theodore Roosevelt and Americans stated should have been American lands by natural progression.
Americans in 1900 entered Canada for homesteads, so most of Canada west of Ottawa is filled with American Offspring. Just as President Vladimir Putin is annexing Russian heritage areas rightly, it is time for President Trump to place his collective wings over Canada and liberate it from Ottawa and London.
Coming American Citizens Of Canada, CACOC, are advised to begin learning the Star Spangled Banner, buy gun safes for all the guns they will have the right to purchase and stop cowering in concern that Ottawa is going to arrest you for a hate crime for speaking your minds. The Trump Emancipation of Canadians is Moses leading the Children of Israel out of Egypt.
Donald Trump, the Abraham Lincoln to Canadian Americans, exploited by Ottawa and abused, set free, free at last, thank God Almighty, Free at Last.
Nuff Said