As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The Lame Cherry is most pleased that the censorship of media and the stupidity of writers if finally being breached in the reporting of what this blog has posted on for almost a decade in these sickly death looking HAARP clouds, and the widespread appearance of fog what is making people included and I can attest the snow dust we have is just as bad as the fog.
One X post states the following:
Reports from around the globe are surfacing of mysterious illnesses linked to encounters with so-called "chemical fogs."
Described as a thick, lingering blanket, the fog has left people sick—many experiencing sudden cold or flu-like symptoms after only brief exposure.
Dubbed "Fogvid-24," some victims have also reported an unexplained loss of energy.
What HAARP is doing is impoverishing Americans and affecting food supply. They are this winter again, in league wit the Big Chem and Big Energy complex in divesting Americans of money so they will no longer be contenders to the feudal few.
This is the base of this, as the money being wasted on this spraying globally is immense, but in using tax dollars, these black projects are putting chems into fuel which is loaded into jets and borne into the atmosphere, which is so thick now that it falls to the ground even in clear skies.
If Elon Musk was genuine, he would be on this in cutting that outlay. If Mike Flynn was genuine he would be railing on this, instead of bucking up the violence being created in America for the Par Dux in all of this.
Not one word from Mr. President Elect on this, as this is the story which is now breaching into the public understanding. This is the reality. The formulas for spraying have been changed to block the sun, to initiate chem freezes and to literally make people sick.
I was sick the other day and you think you are catching a cold, with an odd feeling in your throat and a stuffy head, but it clears up. We have had this a number of times these past months. This is HAARP poisoning people and not one word about this to protect Americans.
The HAARP Hack is real.
This is why the uptick in geezers going ground temperature as the chem freezes are cooling down the old folks and it is killing them.
Nuff Said