They froze my balls off for my inauguration.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The commodity traders have issued a money making alert for January 20th in another of these HAARP cold storms is going to hit America, and hammer the east coast. This time it is now an "Alaskan" front. Remember it was a "Polar Vortex" this week and in December it was a "Canadian Ridge". It is all HAARP weather terrorism, looting money from the Treasury by DARPA, with Big Chem spraying and Big Energy stealing from Americans in home heating costs........which is going to deepen this recession which America is into and ruin Donald Trump's economy.
As HAARP has Donald Trump on a leash and not a word from him or Elon Musk, perhaps this Giant FU to Donald Trump on his inauguration in ruining it with weather terrorism will cause a reaction from the new President to shut this terrorism down as he is the one freezing his ass off and being humiliated in his Inauguration ruined.
Nuff Said
PS: All this can still be stopped by ending the set up. All of this would end as a Hi Pressure Dome could be put in over the Plains and it would warm the entire country. That is what HAARP could do for the benefit of people, instead of robbing people, ruining Donald's Inauguration and destroying life.
Nuff Said