I endorse Inaugurations for when the Cherry Blossoms Bloom
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This may sound premature, but on this inaugural day, the Trump Trans has to be looking forward to establish the Trump legacy already. What they need to file away as a top priority, along with the President changing daylight saving's time is that the President with Congress, must once again fix the election process in America as was established in the Lincoln era.
When America was founded, elections were on the first Tuesday of November, then the Electoral College, then the certification, but the President was not sworn in until March. This left a lame duck President for 4 months and a lame duck Congress which we still have.
This is what President Trump and Republicans should enact for the 2026 midterms.
The elections from now on should be Constitutionally established to occur on the First Tuesday in April. In most instances, all of the United States will be having nice weather by then. It will do a good thing in making this just before tax day, so that Americans can get rid of the Income Tax and go to another tax which is not regressive to them, a consumption tax, along with the Trump Tariffs, so Americans will never have to file any taxes again, which will please them times a million for Donald Trump's legacy in the midterms and for JD Vance long term.
The voting would be simple then in the First Tuesday in April with ballots counted immediately and not forever fraud counting.
The new Congress would then be seated on April 20th.
In Presidential years, the voting would be on the First Tuesday in April, the Electoral College would vote on April 20th. Congress would certify the election results on May 6th and on May 20th, the presidential inauguration would occur.
Nothing would change but the dates, and it would be nice weather and no more of this Reagan and Trump frigid days in lips froze to trombones.
By Congress doing this for the 2026 midterms, it would mean the GOP would gain 5 more months in office with GOP control and yes, President Donald Trump would gain 4 more months in his 47th term, to stabilize all what is taking place, and for the transition to President JD Vance.
This really needs to be pushed through. Democrats can be told to agree to this, because when Donald Trump's policies are successful, the 2026 midterms are going to wipe out the Democratic Party, giving a super majority to Republicans who are going to then be able to do a whole lot more in penalizing Democrats when this change in voting days takes place.
This really should be a priority for President Trump in his team to get this done for the good of the country and another historical precedent for 47.
When Cherry Blossoms last past their gleaming
On a Sunny Capitol with spring all a teaming
There is our best and Presidential Star
The twinkling day of all Americans are.-Wally Whitman
From Atoms Belonging to Me
The Sparkling Potomac City
Nuff Said