The face of a vodka high ball with a bennie chaser at breakfast.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I believe nothing of the legacy of Donald Trump will be left to chance. I believe that the Board is already positioning Kamala Harris as the face of the democrats in 2028 to be wiped out by Vice President JD Vance.
Apparently, the face load of botox is not holding up for Kamala, as she looks like something the mortician has been pasting up with the wrong colour white face paint.
The first Jew, her woman beating husband looks in the below photo to be on medications too from the street vendors. That is an improvement as at the Carter funeral, he honestly looked like he had died in the pew.
So Kamala is not going to go quietly into the night. That is something to be thankful for, as Gavin Newsome has burned down California and she is the top contender with morgue bait Hamrod Clinton to gain the 2028 nomination.
With the Obama crimes now front and center, Big Mike has been neutralized, so that shemale thing is over.
If Donald Trump achieves the things he said in unburdening Americans of debt and inflation, takes his high profile Manifest Destiny to reality, gains peace with Russia, dumps Europe and the Mideast into German hands, and contains China without a war, in 2028 the voters will respond to protect the Trump legacy and vote for JD Vance and more to the point, the democrats will become a massive minority party with barely 35% of the vote and the metro dictatorships of California, Illinois and New York will begin flipping for Trumpicans.
Nuff Said