As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I like Hal Turner's website, but for someone who is supposed to be informed, the dude who bitches about Jews nuking Muslim babies, puts up a diatribe about executing murderous Sioux Indians who slaughtered in terrorism thousands of innocent German immigrants who HAD BEFRIENDED THEM.
Then there is this polar vortex bullshit. There is no polar vortex. What is going on is the same Goddamn HAARP created British Columbia ridge which broke down after 3 weeks late last year just before winter set in. No one said shit when it was a cold bitch in the high plains of Canada and the United States as those people do not count. HAARP pulled the same shit off a west coast storm and then produced a cold jet of air which was streaming down from northwest to southeast. Just last week a storm system set up like this one that piled into Kansas City and moved east.
All HAARP did was shift stratosphere cold from Siberia, over into Canada and then put this cold shot into America. What is different this time is "real people" are being dumped on with snow, because that is where the money is. You can't make Big Oil money for a Trump recession if you only freeze deer in Montana. You need natural gas furnaces and when Kiev shut off Russian fuel to Europe, this drove up the prices to gouge Americans. No word yet from Donald Trump on this weather terrorism as he apparently is on the leash of Big Chem supplying HAARP which is Big DARPA which benefits Big Oil.
I honestly do not see what the big deal is about 20 degree temperatures, wind and snow. That is just typical for most people in Canada and the northern United States center. No one was sounding the alarm when HAARP almost obliterated us 2 years ago and we were doing 8 mile walks to check and water cows in weather worse than this. I realize most of you are pussies in not having to deal with winter weather, but face the facts in the areas being hit now, are going to warm up shortly and it will be nice again. Get this shit in Fargo ND and it stays until April.
The thing is in this test run for radioactive containment that we see the Minot fields would push all that radiation down to Kansas City and then east for a real population thinner. Here is what the radiation dump would affect. Again, no one was whining about this when most of this was going to be contained in nowhere North and South Dakota in their being expendable so the rest of the pretty people would have their good times after as they lamented the tragedy of the dead as they looked into investing to make money in all that cheap land out there.
This would probably make Hal's PA bunker glow too, so that is kind of a suck you for him, as that New York would be a double wham in you get it one way or the other. I figure this containment would be worth about 60 million people. Now it is worth do the math in homes with natural gas, the increased fuel consumption per day and you get an idea what the nation rapists look at for stats in counting the dollar signs to impoverish people so they do not have money to contend with.
Got to wrap this up as have to deal with a splinter in a thumb.
Nuff Said