Saturday, January 4, 2025

Thank Tel Aviv Donald Trump


As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

With Ankarra and Tel Aviv dividing up the spoil of Syria with the District of Crooks still stealing Syrian oil, the Russians have been active in being flushed from Syria. Moscow is not stupid. They are not going to believe the Bulan leader of Syria who said he would have relations which Russia is going to leave Russian bases alone. What will happen is most likely a hostage crisis for Moscow, so Moscow is looking  for a new home and has one it is moving into.

That location is Libya in the Ma'tan as Sarah airport which has NATO frowning.

See Europe has plans to invade Libya and steal that oil and gas. Russia has just checked that project of European independence from Russian oil, by going active in Libya and controls the space over Chad and Sudan. This is a very comfy and secure location. What  Tel Aviv and Ankarra engaged in, in stealing Syria has now forfeited all of Africa, an entire continent to Russia.

So President Donald Trump should thank his allies in Ankarra and Tel Aviv, as they just exposed the US flank in the Mideast and rolled American presence back to the US east coast.

Nuff Said
