As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Breakfast for TL and I is usually a quote long thing, in we get involved in conversations about everything. This is about something the Holy Ghost had me assess or define in the title above in SALVATION IS A MINDSET.
We were discussing the frauds of christianity in how it is the little things which tell what a person really is. I will give an example.
By Grandpa's place the neighbor to the north, I bent over backwards being neighborly to. He talks a good game until he feels put upon when people are in need, and then I got my ass chewed. I have stayed away from this troll, but he came up to me in the grocery store and started talking. TL just wanted to walk away, but I was going to endure it.
As we talked and I was pleasant, he said, "Say you have some calves out in my field, but it really doesn't matter."
If it did not matter.........then why the hell bring it up? Why because he wanted to have something to hold over me, in he was being the bigger person. No a bigger person would have fixed the fence as THAT WAS HIS PART OF THE FENCE TO FIX. Instead he left the calves crawl through which taught them to get out. I had no idea they were getting out as the land has rolls in it that hide things.
I did counter that we just fixed the fence which we had. He shut up, as he had no idea about that part as that was not the point. He was being the asshole he was.
So we were fixing fence, costing us money on his side of the fence, pounding posts and I was getting calves in when I saw them. The thing is I noticed they were kind of spooky and as I always just lower the wire, let them find their way in and they go in and just walk off to find their mothers, I was suspecting this asshole was doing something.
Well I caught him in going over one day, in I saw the calves with their heads up, running. He was chasing them with an ATV THROUGH THE BARBWIRE FENCE. Yes that upset me, but I did not say anything as the calves were out and TL suggested that we move them to the front field to remedy the situation even if I still had grass to graze in our pasture.
Well, the next morning I get text from the asshole. "I'm getting my cattle home from the pasture. Would you fix the fence in the corner where your calves are getting out. Thanks."
So, Mr. Moneybags who has more money than I do, knows where the fence is in need, he does not fix it, but instead summons me to spend time and money to fix his fence.
Yes I did it, as my prayer that God requires the soul of this son of a bitch and solves the problem, but in this series of events, it is the construct of Salvation is a Mindset.
We are taught in Scripture to Hear and Obey God. We are taught to care about others in treating them as we would be treated. That is the summation of the Law for Christians. It is being considerate of others and not engaging in what this asshole makes a practice of in offending people, while acting saintly.
He honestly disgusts me as he is around 70 years old, drives around with sunglasses on, yes and in not being able to butcher his own meat as it is cheaper in the store (his fat wife told us that), he still had the money to buy a 50,000 dollar Corvette as like all non donors here.........gee they always have a pile of cash for themselves. He should as he got the farm from his parents, his rich faggy uncle left him money and I presume he married his fat gossipy wife because she was worth a million too.
Yet I'm the one fixing his fence for the past years to keep his cattle out of our pasture, but he certainly made sure to tell me he fixed about 20 feet of fence, but he forgot the part about moving the property line onto Grandpas land. Yes that is a God cursed activity, and I don't understand why God has not killed this bastard and put him in hell, as he is the one who chased bulls with his ATV (another neighbor's bulls got onto his place) onto our place and the one bull almost killed me in it was so enraged.
Salvation is a Mindset.
There is a reason the 12 were called DISCIPLES. That is DISCIPLINE in training yourself through repetitio to do obey God and to be good to others. Sure the asshole above took care of his suck mum in phoning her in the geezer home every night, but even sociopaths have their own needs and reasons. There is the Pharisee who does it for their own reasons, and then the person who does something without people knowing for the good of others as God expects this.
It is the practice of doing good which conditions a Protestant Christian to be helpful to others. I do not make a point of stating what I do and why as that is not proper, but mention little things like being pleasant to people and smiling in a world of scowling assholes as it makes a difference. I will move products in a grocery to the front of the shelf to help out the stockers when I take things out. No one is getting paid a living wage now in this invasion and my doing small things, helps those people and it honestly maybe lowers the prices as the owners do not have to hire more people to do things which are the small things.
It is probably why I get smiled at and talked to by people working in stores because I am conscientious of them and treat them with respect in looking out for them.
None of this is going to get me or you saved. He that believeth and is Baptized shall be saved. But the mindset of Salvation is the actions we all produce as Christ said in we are known by the fruit we produce. I always tell TL that it only takes one time in being offensive to someone that, that person will tell 100 others what a son of a bitch I am. I said God have this horrid neighbor repent, to please God, but I also call for his removal and I do work prayers in finding ways to get him gone in God's Will as he makes life more difficult for me, and what the hell do I need someone around who is being an asshole now..........what will he be like with Wormwood?
I try very hard to not be offensive to people and to be courteous, even when they do not deserve it. Yes we have to stand up for ourselves against bullies sometimes, but I hope the time clock of a blood clot, a heart missing a beat, a cancer does it's work on this vaxed person and the world will be a better place.
God knows His responsibility of avenging me and I know my responsibility of the Mindset of Salvation. I have to please God in minding myself with His Mercy, so I'm Graciously received into eternal Life with Christ, instead of being dismissed with, "I never knew you".
I can not judge people as that is God's Authority, but I got to think this prick is going on the dismissal side.
Nuff Said