Saturday, January 18, 2025

The Head of a Nation


To be alive for the work, he must carry in his breast Cape Cod, the Shenandoah, the Mississippi, the Gulf, the Rocky Mountains, the Sacramento, the Great Plains, the Great Lakes, their dialects and shibboleths. He must be instinct with the regions of corn, textile mills, cotton, tobacco, gold, coal, zinc and iron.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

Change is coming to this world, more monumental, more shaking the world to her foundations and sifting the populations than anyone can comprehend. I can not say if it will be good or bad, but it will be change and nothing like this world has ever experienced or will ever experience again.

This is the advent of Donald Trump

Like Webster, Calhoun and Clay, they formed a classicism of the school of English gentlemen, not so Andrew Jackson, not so Abraham Lincoln, not so Donald Trump.

Like Jackson, like Lincoln, Donald Trump is entirely American.

Mr. Trump is historic, doing what only one other had accomplished before, in being President and coming back against all odds to become President again. He is historic is Butler Pennsylvania made him a chosen man of destiny, instead of a John Kennedy corpse. He believes he has a mission and his mission is so far reaching that the lame of brain only think in the propaganda of brainwashing talking points in the ridicule of imperialism or the epitaphs of dismissal.

Donald Trump encompasses Manifest Destiny, the Monroe Doctrine, Trump Economics, and with this he will manifest the Trump Doctrine which has been spoken of here, but will only be known when this Jehu in fury drives this forward to it's climax in time.

The key point in this is to keep the United States in an economic war, not a hot war. The key point in this is to keep the United States the silent broker, while Europe sets forth it's vocal course.

We are in the womb of the birth of a new age. We are in the sepulcher  in the death of the old age.

We may very well have witnessed the Genesis of this nation in Washington, the Chronicles of this nation in Lincoln and the Apocalypse of this nation in Donald Trump.

Death was in the air. So was birth. What was dying no man was knowing. What was being born, no man could say.

The dew came on the White House lawn and the moonlight spread lace of white films in the night and the syringa and the bridal wreath blossomed and the birds fluttered in the bushes and nested in the sycamore and the veery thrush fluted with never a weariness. The war drums rolled and the telegraph clicked off mortality lists, now a thousand, now ten thousand in a day.  Yet there were moments when the processes of men  seemed to be only an evil dream and justice lay in deeper transitions than those wrought by men dedicated to kill or be killed.

From Lincoln at War
Carl Sandberg
The Man in the White House

We are here at the threshold and change has come.

Nuff Said
