I'm such a hottie, I could melt this thick ice, but with an industrial rock water cutter,
I could melt Greenland's ice into blocks for bigger profits than oil.
Instead of that damned Brentwood Crude we will price it as Trump Glaciers priced in New York
Editors Note Lame Cherry: Nice tits baby!!!
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
A generation ago, the Saudi Kingdom had an intelligent idea to saw off an Antartica glacier and two it to Saudi Arabia as even with melting it would provide billions of gallons of water.
I hear Jeff Rense and others light up about the mineral resources of Greenland...........who cares.
The real gem of Greenland is ICE.
Greenland's ice sheet has an area of 1.7 million square kilometers, an average thickness of 2.3 kilometers (1.4 miles), and holds 7 percent of the world's ...
A mile and a half of ICE. Beautiful ice, the stuff that glitters and sparkles and in a thirsty world, President Donald Trump can balance of trade with China and oil rich Saudi Arabia type nations sell the ice blocks to them just like you buy bottled water.
Ice in Greenland is the bitcoin of AI. Ice could make the Jewland bloom. Ice could make North Africa wet. Ice could make the Mideast wet. Ice could make the Gobi wet. That is where Greenland glitters in this. It will not be anything that has to be dug into the ground, mined and refined. It is there in huge blocks which can be cut into lovely blocks to sell to a thirsty world, because you can get by without gold for years, but water you need every day.
Once all that ice is mined......yes this is more than US Secretary of the Treasury Fag Bissent even realizes in his oil production being raise, you have your expanded US economy for a cheap cost and then you can get at all the Rense goodies under that ice. Get rid of the ice and Greenland will be a whole lot warmer, warmer than Elon Musk's Mars and with genetics, you can get trees to grow there and warm up that wasteland more, and then warm up the surrounding areas more so it will be a balmier region.
Make me Ice Princess and I will do things with ice that Jews did with diamonds.
This is a Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said