As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Recently the foreign implant from Africa and Canada, Elon Musk, revealed once again the reality that genius does not make one intelligent, and in fact numbers of retards excel beyond Elon Musk in their rudimentary fields.
Mr. Musk was championing the Ganges race to come into America to program computers as Americans are retards. Donald Trump weighed in on he used the visa program and found it wonderful for his needs. Since Mr. Musk started this war over visas against Trump voters, he has retreated, in the same way he ran when he picked a fight with that psycho Mark Zuckerberg, before he figured out Zuckerberg trained to kick people's skulls in.
Musk Appears To Soften Pro-Foreign Worker
H-1B Visa Stance Amid Online Spat
Musk Believes Mars Should Have Direct
Democracy After Colonization
See that is Elon Musk, the genius. He is a social retard and a political retard. A social retard does not know enough who to pick fights with and a political retard picks fights with his own supporters and then censors them.
I know a number of geniuses. Richard and Stephanie are geniuses, TL is a genius on that scale too. I also know people who are on the genius scale, like TL's parents and sister who are some of the dumbest fucking people on the planet. That trio in their genius underestimated me and never knew what hit them. Like Musk they can talk a game, but when it comes to throwing down, they can't back things up.
I'm always reminded of that scene on Gilligan's Island where Rory Calhoun plays a hunter who wants to hunt one of the castaways. The Professor in his pompous genius, thinks of course he is the choice, but the hunter mocks him in stating, "Professor I would have you in the bag, before you figured out your first move".
That is Elon Musk. He is ok in his numbers environment and his being a stooge of the DIA which funds him. When you play in a closed environment, anyone can look smart. It is when you are like Richard who has to fix the disasters of Musk's Ganges geniuses, because all they do is cut and paste American work on websites, so they crash and the American has to be called to fix things, that something more than genius is at work.
I told TL when we met, that I would choose Inspiration, Insight and Common Sense over genius any day of the week. Elon Musk is a rather ignorant troll as in all his genius he never contemplates that God is the source of what advances mankind. Sperm and eggs produce allot of humans, but God produced Solomon. If one reviews the history of Americans, most were self taught and the things they came up with were remarkable as God's blessing upon His People He planted in America came to fruition as it was time to fulfill a promise to Abraham.
Elon Musk takes a great deal of credit as does Mark Zuckerberg as does Bill Gates for their technology, but the fact is that everything these people have, all goes back to German Protestant Lutherans. That was Inspiration from a superior race out of Assyria and the Lost 10. You do not get to take credit for the wheel when it was already invented and all you did was put rubber tires on it. That is all these people have done. They simply tweaked something a bit better.
For some reason Donald Trump likes having Elon Musk around. If Elon Musk were not a pet of the Board, he would be the fat guy whose neighbors took their dogs onto his lawn to shit there and laughed about it. Elon Musk is ok with numbers and hiring programmed Asians to run numbers they cut and paste off of American work.
Musk has a simple job. He is not President as that Tel Aviv Netanyahu sucks dick over in saying that insult to Donald Trump. All Elon Musk has to do is cut spending. A mental retard could do that job as mental retards have been looting the US Treasury for generations in the original pawn shop number pushers in Bulan banking. Musk should stick to what he has had success handed to him and that is firing people and hiring others to run numbers. Other than that his glaring retardation comes spewing out.
In the above, Musk is championing democracy for Mars. The adjective is DIRECT democracy. Apparently Elon does not support the American Republic in the genius of the Inspired Founders in advocating indirect representation of the people, as history has proven time and again that democracy in any form only produces tyranny.
That other fat blow hard, Rush Limbaugh used to use an example of democracy in men and women voting whether to have sex. The men would vote to have sex and the women would be forced to have sex as it would be legalized rape. That was a Limbaugh simplism as there are more women than men so sex would not win in a vote by democracy.
The reality is though for Musk with direct democracy on Mars, the minute the Chinamen set foot on Mars, they would vote to seize X property and ships, vote to blow up the nations with nuclear bombs who would not let them have their way, and Musk would have the first insurrection in space and a first solar system war, at least the one that is not recorded in the Bible.
I do conclude that Elon Musk is pretty good at tweets. If that is really him, he is ok at it. That is a talent. Besides somehow fooling Donald Trump to be his best friend is another talent he has. Other than that Musk has been a disaster. Space X is something only people who would take their own life into their hands would get into. Starlink almost got Musk killed by the Russians for backing that Kiev Jew Nazi, and lastly, Tesla.......what a fraud that is in expensive cars on batteries that catch on fire which even the lowest IQ Canadian would roll their eyes over in knowing that batteries suck in cold weather.
So listen, I like Elon Musk. I like him for his retorts. I like him for his promises to cut budgets and fire people. I like him and his retorts only so long as he delivers on cutting spending and firing regime trolls. He doesn't accomplish that, then as an American native born, I will push for retro active taxes on Elon Musk for every foreigner he employed at 10,000 dollars a year and all these other geniuses who made money off of me, and all that money goes directly back to Americans in non taxable Cash Cards as Americans take back what was stolen from them.
It is as it was in Abraham Lincoln's time. As long as Elon Musk stays our son of a bitch, then he is our son of a bitch. The minute he starts going to war with Americans and not remembering Americans coming first in the cash cow, then he is just like the rest of these internationalists in not being our son of a bitch.
That is what genius is really, knowing whose son of a bitch you are, and not offending them.
On Saturday night, Musk responded to a mega-thread on social media platform X that criticized how H-1B visas are being used.
“Easily fixed by raising the minimum salary significantly and adding a yearly cost for maintaining the H-1B, making it materially more expensive to hire from overseas than domestically,” he wrote.
“I’ve been very clear that the program is broken and needs major reform.”
Musk was responding to a remark from investor Robert Sterling, who said that:
“America needs to be a destination for the world’s most elite talent. But the H-1B program isn’t the way to do that.”
Nuff Said