Wednesday, January 1, 2025

When the anti Christ calls

I do not talk to strangers or the anti Christ.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

This is a first for me, but it has now happened twice.

Both times I was in the bathroom and the phone rang. Both times I thought it was someone important, so I rushed out and got the screen active and saw the number was 6666.

I have no idea why the anti Christ is calling me. I have no idea why if it is such an important call to the popular girl that he does not leave a message, but twice now I have gotten the 6666 number and no one leaves a message. I think the anti Christ should not be phoning me nor should the anti Christ be spamming me like other unwanted calls.

I guess when you are the anti Christ you got some special phone number thing so your number does not come up as a SPAM ALERT. The phone companies are probably all intimidated by the anti Christ and do not want to show him as a spammer, because they would probably have some exotic death performed upon them as I think that is what the anti Christ does when he is not being adored for being a genius and full of flattery.

I certainly am not going to call back as I'm not a cat nor curious. I just like to only have my phone not ringing or messaging, like my evil sisters have got the message to stop bothering me for satan along with the fat ass cousins, so our phone is seen and not heard. The only use I get out of the thing really is taking some photo and texting it to email where it appears on the blog. A phone is useful for that, but other than that, it seems it has only anti Christ appeal.

Just thought I would share who is calling me as the popular girl as I doubt the anti Christ is phoning any of you.

Nuff Said
