There is a way that seemeth right to a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
There is a story in Carl Sandberg's history of Abraham Lincoln at war.
A Union Officer arrived at the White House at 2 AM, in much distress and got the President out of bed. He related there had been a huge street fight outside, and that it was between secessionists and unionists, and the Officer in the fight had hit a rowdy secessionist and he still had not woke up.
The President tried to console the Officer, with "Next time you are in a fight, bring a club or a bat, as that way you will not harm anyone", yes this was satire in comfort, as this man would have probably taken any prize fighters head off, but he exclaimed he did not come for sympathy, he came because he was troubled.
Lincoln then patted him on the shoulders and counselled, 'This is war. There are allot of things that happen in war. Allot of people deserve killing. This man you hit sounds like someone who needed killing. I will back you in this, so go home and do not be bothered by this".
The Officer went home and did not sleep. He was bothered for the 18 months the man lingered until the man died.
I was reading on ZeroHedge a most interesting series of statistics in this shooting in New York of the CEO, found that 41% of the GENS supported shooting people who deserved it like this CEO. 32% of the entire population reflected that sentiment too.
These GENS and Millennials who the Lame Cherry lumps together are a people deprived of thee American Dream. They have witnessed the courts turned against them and Justice has disappeared from the DOJ. They exists without hope in their parent's basements. They have been part of the hunted and repressed of Jan6, and they now have an edge which is termed neo vigilantism.
This is the JD Vance demographic which is being moved into power in the United States which is their right as the Boomers are dying out. These are millions of people, almost half the population who are not writing Mockingbird drivel about Christian Nationalism or other curb views and having the silver spoon in their mouths. These are people who are in debt and know who the problem is. They are a psychological induced manifestation of a population which has been dream raped by Bush, Clinton, Obama and Biden, and when you abuse a population like this, you are going to get a huge part of it which will deem that taking the law into their own hands is the way you right the scales of Justice.
Personally in what this blog has written on that shooting, the guy they arrested with the big eyebrows is not the shooter. I think he was in on it, but the real shooter walked off and this was a deliberate ruse so the eyebrow guy will be acquitted on evidence. This was a designer operation, much like Butler, PA was designer.
Whatever the psychological focal point in this, we have a nation like Abraham Lincoln stated, has an understanding that some people just deserve to be killed. That is the stuff of Revolution and that is the stuff which will when it is rewarded with the spoils will hate the Obama communists and love the coming established National Socialism with dictator powers which will right the wrongs.
Abraham Lincoln stated that unlike Bush in Patriot Act or Obama in hunting down Americans, that for a time extensions of power of the executive in troubled periods is acceptable and then things will return to liberty and freedom for all with Justice. Bush Obama never rolled back the gulag and persecution but only increased it. We are facing a time of rectification in the 47 term for Americans in a return of Rights. We have coupled with this both liberal and conservatives in that 41% who deem lynching is an acceptable solution when the courts are so corrupt and the police state denies redress.
The tide is turning. If all it takes is 3% for 1776 AD in the year of our Lord, there is now 32% and a soon 41% which will be the people in power in the United States.
This is the era we are entering and no one quite knows it yet, except the people who engineered this psychological moving of an entire population to what will come.
Nuff Said