Sunday, January 5, 2025

The Trump Metaphor

James Russell Lowell

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The Lame Cherry continues to engage to provide this 47th President with the best legacy, and present for America now and the future, but providing historical realities, which the President and yourself can benefit from.

This is from 1863 AD in the year of our Lord, from a lengthy discourse by the eminent Harvard fireside poet, James Russell Lowell, who was among a group of brilliant minds like William Cullen Bryant  of New York and Charles Eliot Norton of Boston, had looked upon Abraham Lincoln as this bumpkin who was honest, but was feeble in any attempt to produce communication or doctrine which sounded like it had all been written with a chunk of charcoal on a slab of wood.

For 3 years they maintained this prejudice on Abraham Lincoln and in their lofty, grand and meditative own speech, they started to realize that this Lincoln was communicating with a precision level of honesty and forthrightness which they had misjudged. The Lame Cherry states this as this blog broke the WWE of President Donald Trump and it has been plagiarized non stop without credit here and these people have in contempt brushing it aside for the rednecks who watch professional wrestling in dismissing this, have missed thee entire reality that this theater is a stage, communicating as poetic and as in depth as anything William Shakespeare ever penned in English.

So you get this, Donald Trump is one of the best meme communicators in all history. He does not "Nigger" pose like Obama nor does he flip lines like John Kennedy. He cuts to the heart of the matter and at that heart is where the American People have already believed, but not expressed what Mr. Trump has judged of this situation.

I desire you to read what Mr. Lowell writes about Abraham Lincoln as it is a teaching lesson for all, and advice for President Trump. The judgement on Abraham Lincoln was he dithered and would not make up his mind. Mr. Lowell explains what the brilliant minds finally concluded.

The basis for this is that for months the pro slavery people had in every movement so antagonized the people of the North that these pro slavery people were making abolitionists in these free states by the thousands. A political movement not of a few radicals, but of Abraham Lincoln was being created.

Lowell assesses it this way.

"While every day was bringing people nearer to the conclusion which all thinking men saw to be inevitable from the beginning (slavery would destroy itself), it was wise of Mr. Lincoln to leave the shaping of this policy to events. Mr. Lincoln is not in the habit of saying, "This is my opinion, or my theory", but "This is the conclusion to which, in my judgment, the time has come, and to which, accordingly, the sooner we come the better for us".

As this blog has noted, Donald Trump, not in office, mainstreamed Pro Life and the Second Amendment for Americans in emancipating them. He allowed like Abraham Lincoln for not just public opinion, but the OPINION OF THE OPPOSITION to embrace Pro Life and Gun Ownership. These issues had Democrats and leftists voting for Mr. Trump.

It was Van Jones of the Obama administration who summed up the 2025 elections perfectly by stating, "Barack Obama in his woke DEI went too far and American rejected it completely". Americans rejected it as triple down Obama was promised by Kamala Harris and when they rejected radicalism of the left, they embraced the Conservative in self protection with guns as they were afraid and whoring out for sex and using aborticide as a crutch lost it's appeal women were trying to survive on the streets in not being raped.

Lowell summed up Abraham Lincoln's presentation of allowing the public mind to form policy and then acting upon it as the public steward of the people this way:

"A certain tone of familiar dignity, which, while it is perhaps difficult attainment of mere style, it is also no doubtful indication of personal character. 
A profound common sense is the best genius of statesmanship".

The American People have a generation of being held back from Ronald Reagan's Revolution by Bush, Clinton, Obama and Biden. Mr. Trump is moving ahead of where thee American People yearn to be. He does not have to wait for the public mind to think the thought, because this was reinforced in the worst way of Jan6 and Americans hunted down, after being blamed for all the world evils.

Donald Trump in his WWE was what Mr. Lincoln was in an exceptional Stump Speaker. He entertained, he informed and he said what people were thinking. Donald Trump is the summation of James Lowell in, "A profound common sense is the best genius of statesmanship."

These pompous ass self proclaimed geniuses never got Ronald Reagan and they do not get Donald Trump, no more than the intellectuals of 1860 comprehended the nuances and depths of Abraham Lincoln as he had entered a intellectual world of educated communication which required hours to speak to sound intelligent and Lincoln was accomplishing it in a few phrases and paragraphs.

Donald Trump as President is ahead of a Revolution. He only needs to advance or he will be moved by. He does not need to educate as the American People are resolutely informed by their experience. As long as he makes peace, restores America for Americans and keeps his word, the success he will inherit will be by this statesmanship the profound genius of his common sense.

"in this country the rough and ready understanding of the people is sure to be at last the controlling power".

James Russell Lowell.

Nuff Said
