Saturday, February 22, 2025

Considerations of Exile

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

I ponder as I write this at the end of December 2024 if by the time this appears if the United States is in the throws of the "resistance" which democrats like James Carville were drooling over as some kind of magic wand against Trump Derangement Syndrome.

If one reads the ideas of Abraham Lincoln concerning insurrection, an idea forms in the Carl Sandberg history of Lincoln at War, and that Lincoln and others decided that tyranny was a Constitutional mandate in dealing with insurrection and invasion. One sees this nuttery in the Biden Bush era of the Jan6 crackdowns which made no sense, except to intimidate voters on the right.
What Abraham Lincoln though accorded the President was the option of suspending parts of the Constitution in order to save the country which is in the Constitution. Lincoln though stated that this extension was never meant to be Patriot Act or Jan6 permanent. It was though a tool to save a nation in peril from upheaval. This is where the police state of George W. Bush and Cuddles Obama have violated all, in crackdowns are to be tempered and then disappear when the crisis is over, not kept on to inflict on the People and maintain control.

An example of this which would fit for these times is Clement Vallandingham, pictured above. He was part of the Molotov Mob of Lincoln Derangement Syndrome. He was incessantly making speeches as were others to disrupt the Government prosecution of the war.

An example of this would be as the case came to a head, and President Lincoln was directing letters to the fine people of Ohio who had nominated Vallandingham to be their democratic candidate for Governor, and to the New York democrats who were raising hell as an opposition to Lincoln's war. What Lincoln stated was, "Should Vallandingham be not prosecuted (He was arrested by General Burnside for attacking the government and the army in a speech.) when Vallandingham was enticing not too bright soldiers to desert, whereupon they would be shot."
Should not the instigator of a crime, be punished as much as the dupe who was deceived, was Lincoln's point, as Vallandingham was causing allot of people to get into trouble while building a movement to the White House on fear porn.

Vallandingham was placed into a prison cell upon conviction. Petitions came in for his release, and Lincoln was not into second guessing his subordinates due to friction, but he did divide the baby, in he ordered that Vallandingham, be banished from the Union for his freedom and sent past the Union lines into the South where he was allied with their agenda.

General Rosecrans whose duty it was to cast out this exile, told him, and he never cursed, "If you show up here again, Goddamnit I will hang you!"

As it was, the Union officers led Vallandingham to a house in no man's land and left him for the Confederate lines to find. There a Confederate private found him, did not know what to do with him, and skeedaddled to his officers, who after a time, appeared and invited Vallandingham with great reception into the Confederate lines where he settled in the Carolinas.

Like all of these firebrands from John Brown to the infamous Rhett who started the Civil War with rhetoric, they all disappeared as the Union started winning and the South started losing.

It comes to the point though of what does a federal government, protecting it's Citizens and Borders for the first time since Ronald Reagan, do to these firebrands who are appearing and will exploit the process by trying to use the Courts to stop the enforcement of the law or to gain a following of tards to drive forward a political movement for the midterms and 2028 AD in the year of our Lord.

In our world to protect America from enemies within who have done a perfect job in exploiting the laws to criminalize Americans, as Jan6 is the perfect example, will America rise to not just deportations of invaders, but more than making martyrs of the firebrands by prison or execution.

Would the remedy be, as these P. Diddy pedos have fled America already to European villas to hide in for child rape, to remove Citizenship and banish these insurrectionists out of America with orders they will be hung if they ever return.

Franco of Spain had a way to deal with problem children in he drafted them all into the army, and sent them to Africa to boil their brains out and by the time their service was complete, they no longer had political ambitions against him.

All of this is something which is in the realm of ideas, as we remember that we were in the Obama process with Bush cuddles to erase Americans of all colours and to replace them with these invaders........and when the majority vote of foreigners appeared, then all Americans would be voted out of their homes and banished themselves out of their country "to where they came from to the death of all those who are not rich living in villas in Europe, hiding from pedo prosecution.

It is easy to forget an event of genocide against Americans which was stopped by a Trump election and did not happen, but the reality is, how much humanity should there be for these firestarters who are now rallying another group of witless folk to hate Trump and Vance and their supporters with calls of death, the same as before, to not comprehend that this Constitutional nullification is going to happen, if this is not dealt with as was necessary during the American Civil War.

I am well aware of laws being turned against Americans, as the laws have been turned against all of us. It is why I have warned our liberal citizenry of this, the age old warning of, what you turn on someone will one day be turned on you. The very measures which were unleashed on innocent Americans from murder of Roseanne Boylan to the persecution which had people committing suicide are there now to deal with those who were rejected by Americans in majority and now are in "resistance" to the Government.

Resistance is the very definition of being anti government and that is not protected by the law as like Vallandingham, it is getting people who do not know any better into trouble. We have witnessed this woke nonsense in the military, so it no longer functioned. We have seen this in the post office, where employees were throwing away voting ballots. We have seen this in the media in the tirades for violence took place against people on the Right. The FBI had trolls in the LaVoy Finnicum online inciting violence against Americans. This lawlessness is anarchy and a nation without borders is the same as a nation which allows insurrection to continue to destroy itself.

In the case of Vallandingham, from his prison cell, he was still writing letters and spewing his anti government resistance as he tried to gain power. You will note that the Government did not silence him as was the censorship of Google and the media in the past Clinton and Obama decades. People have the right to speech, but they do not have the right to incite others to harm themselves into breaking the law.

One can see it in the eyes of these people in the zeal which they festoons themselves with in this mania. For the Christian, some anti messiah like Obama is forgotten the minute the braying stops and the Christian moves on. For some on the left, they are obsessed that some idea or someone is still out there, and the example of this is the persecution of Donald Trump, in going after him in frame ups and kangaroo courts for years, when the fact is for 4 years, Donald Trump accomplished little as the GOPlilters on the right were sabotaging him for the left.

My hope as I write this now is that America has stability in good people now in Government at FBI, Attorney General and the Pentagon, to provide guidance to dissuade the nuts who the Vallandinghams are now attempting to harness for their control and getting them into trouble.

I do not fear the America we are seeing emerge, but the Lame Cherry is aware that the mechanisms are going into place for an order such as the Reich for the benefit of the People in guiding business, finance, industry and government for a best serving apparatus. It always comes down to is there a Lincoln and a Stanton to curb the extensions of the Constitution. This was not the case in Bush Patriot Act, Obama droning Americans, Biden hunting down Americans. The curbs, perhaps too much, of Lincoln and Stanton are in the persons of Donald Trump and JD Vance.

As this is probably the End Times,  what is, is what will be as the future will be ours to see. There would not have been an America is this 2024 election had not brought the results we now live in. This is our alternative and all we have is the prudence of our former leaders who faced the same cataclysm.

The things to well and the nuts do not sprout from the tree, but are food for the squirrels.

- Lame Cherry

Nuff Said
