The revolution began on Day One by destroying the establishment Europe was counting on to contain Trump.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I had wondered where Scott Ritter had gotten off to, as Rense featured him a great deal before the election and Mr. Ritter with a last exasperation in having the FBI weaponized against him and wanting Team Trump to restore his files, has not made it about the din for awhile.
Rense did feature him though in the following post concerning Trump's Munich, and the Ritter assessment of what took place and is taking place.
The Lame Cherry is going to address some things, but correct nothing. My children and my brats know, when I tell them, that I know what President Trump is engaged in, that I know what is going on. I will not be though like Colonel MacGregor or that Mitchell Hendersen throwing tantrums over things they do not like and exposing how flat brain they are. No insults intended. Just the reality.
I will state that Scott Ritter is wrong. His analogy of an acid trip is wrong as wrong as linking it to that weird movie Apocalypse Now. The reason I do not tell you things my children and my brats is the reality that explaining what is going on, people will misinterpret it and it will make the mission of President Trump more difficult. President Theodore Roosevelt was maligned over the Fed. President Ronald Reagan was maligned about spending and vaccinations. President Donald Trump is being lied about in all of his actions are sound as Roosevelt and Reagan. All of these good things for America were weaponized against Americans. That is the problem and at this point President Trump is moving to unplug the contender, which is London banking, Amsterdam debt and non America Jewish pawn shops. That claque of three have caused all the problems with the traitors in America.
Mr. Ritter states an obvious that President Trump is making the adversaries of America react. That is something a retard could assess. He is far too simplistic in his analysis in having no answers of why things are taking place.
Meet you on the other side.
Trump appears to have incorporated aspects of John Boyd’s OODA-loop into his strategic thinking.
Boyd was an Air Force fighter pilot who believed that if you took control of an aerial engagement — a dog fight — by making the opponent react to you, then you would win every time.
Boyd called this “getting into the decision-making cycle” of the enemy, which he broke down into a four-phase cycle he called the OODA-loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act).
If you could implement the OODA-loop faster than your enemy, then you were “inside” his decision-making cycle.
And they would die.
The key aspect of the OODA-loop is the “loop” — this wasn’t a one-time exercise, but a series of connected actions, each feeding off the other.
You took an action and then observed the enemy’s reaction. You orient on the reaction, and decide which option is best before acting.
The enemy now reacts.
And the cycle repeats.
Until the enemy dies.
I will preface this next part in the reason people on the left are unglued, the reason ignorant people do not know what to make of President Donald Trump, is because this is the first exposure most people had to a real American President since President Ronald Reagan. For over century, America produced American Presidents. President McKinley was one, Teddy Roosevelt was one, Calvin Coolidge was one, John Kennedy was one, Lyndon Johnson was one, Richard Nixon was one and Reagan was the last.
The others were these internationalists in Woody Wilson, Herbert Hoover, Frank Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower and the fawnlings who all of you have experienced in George HW Bush, William Clinton, George W. Bush. Barack Hussein Obama the illegitimate usurper of the White House and Joe Biden the election thief.
President Donald Trump is an American President. He was placed into a position in the first term of protective cover and MAGA was abandoned. His mission now after Butler PA though is American. He has superb advisors, a superb Team and superb appointments.
This is not as Jeff Rense has concluded that Donald Trump is on a Zionist leash or taking orders from behind the scenes, in the Roman Circus. This is not what Scott Ritter attempts to explain as an acid trip. Just because people do not comprehend what is taking place and they are confused, does not mean there is absolute direction in this from President Trump of an American agenda first.
Most of you do not play chess, but I will use this as an illustration. I have played a great deal of chess against computers. I have gotten my ass kicked often by new game systems, until I mould myself into how this OS is set up. I downloaded onto a replacement computer a free chess. I do not know the name. I was winning at the first level, so I decided to see what the Grand Master level was and I was stunned. I got my ass kicked on levels I had not contemplated. This OS set up to always hold position ahead of me. It would smash me when I tried to whittle down the numbers to be less pieces to watch. It was geometric in it watched every angle. I finally decided that I was going to get my ass kicked as I was not going to meld my brain to such an advanced strategy as I have things to do besides playing chess.
I told TL one day, "I'm so proud of myself as I have played this OS to the final pieces of the pawns and I got my ass kicked, but I played pretty good".
This was under a dozen games, and yes I had to take some of my moves back to find the right move, but the next game I won against the Grand Master OS. The point in this is, "Just because you are surprised like this computer chess hitting you out of nowhere and moving in what does not make sense, does not mean that moves down the board you can not see, that this position on the board is not going to bring a victory."
I'm not about to tell the Russians (they have a pretty good idea what is going on.) the Chinese, the Jews, the Iranians, the Europeans what is really going on by informing you. There is far too much at stake in all of this. I told you before my direction is to prepare for Christ's return, to save as many Christian Protestants in the East and West and to not get in the way of what is taking place by exposing it.
It’s an acid trip down the rabbit hole chasing a White Rabbit that won’t stop to explain what’s happening.
It’s a magic carpet ride to the unknown, piloted by a man who long ago stopped caring about the things we all had grown accustomed to believing served as the core aspects of the lives we led.
It is the opening salvo of revolutionary change experienced by people who do not understand revolutions and are not prepared for one to break out all around them.
It’s beautiful in a horrible way.
It’s Donald Trump personified.
Yes we are in a revolution for America. I read that Larry Kayman the other day called it a rebellion. For a very bright mind, that is not the right word as rebellion is unConstutional as Abraham Lincoln stated by the Constitution. Revolution is completely legal as it is ordained by the Constitution. We are in far more than a revolution though, and I leave this at that, because when noted people in the fringe like Scott Ritter and Jeff Rense get things partly correct, that is a misdirection which assists in confusing the adversaries of America. This post in stating what is and what is not, answers not those questions this claque has, and therefore adds to clouding their analysis which as we have all heard is head up the ass in they always get things wrong.
I do not work for President Trump. I do not get paid for what God guides in Inspiration to assist in this mission. I do this knowing the consequences and weigh the good and bad in the scales. President Trump is a plus in this and not a minus. He is coming from a different vantage point than myself, but our focal points converge, in God has given me the understanding of this, but the Jehu hands on of the President is God utilizing President Donald Trump.
Just be assured we are going in the correct direction as God directs all things. I have concluded that it was Candidate Trump's Spiritual Adviser Paula White who explained to the Candidate that God spared his life at Butler for a mission. I believe that Ivanka Kushner in her mystic religion supported that reality.
I frown at these seplecure purists who savage the loyalists like rabid hyenas on a lion kill gut pile remains. The radical abolitionists savaged everything about Abraham Lincoln, I'm not going to do that with President Trump and for all that is at stake, we should all be getting this entire mission moving and wonder what we have going after it has a life of it's own, because we just came out of Death Valley in Obama Bush erase and replace.
When Robert Kennedy II can be like Senator Douglas, both Democrats supporting Republican Presidents, the people on the right can zip it for awhile and stop attacking everything that moves in their ignorance.
President Trump Announces Appointments to the White House Faith ...
If you do not understand what is going on, it is ok as I do. It is ok as there are those who understand what is taking place, because this is their board and President Trump is running the pieces now for Americans.
I will tell you in time what needs to be explained when we get to that point. For now, this is adults with real intellect engaged in moving the pieces with absolute reason.
Nuff Said