Saturday, February 15, 2025

Dig Baby Dig Drill Baby Drill Pump Baby Pump


 I say a full gas tank for 10 bucks, heating your homes for 100 bucks
and everyone has a hot wife too.
Secretary Doug Burgum

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

It is difficult with President Donald Trump doing so much good to save America to not overwhelm my children and my brats here with the high points alone, as the Landing Team has been engaged in what they were appointed for to  rectify the gouging of America.
Let us face this fact, like chicken eggs, the energy cartel has been robbing Americans to eliminate them as a political class in fake shortages of carbon fuels. Obama for this rapine, shut down energy in America in criminals acts against the American People.

Doug Burgum of North Dakota is now the Energy Secretary and has been ramping up energy production in America. My hope is that the President focuses on coal and building coal plants for cheap electric again for consumers to drop inflation and rapine of Americans.

I will use this example. Minnesota shut down all energy production and moved it's coal plants to the Dakotas to pollute their lands. I would really .like a mandate that EVERY STATE has to provide it's own electrical power by coal. America has vast coal deposits, over 400 years. That huge coal field in Utah that Clinton swiped, needs to be developed. We do not need more uranium plants. We need coal as there is no radioactive waste in coal.

America must end burning natural gas in power plants as that harms consumers. Consumers should have convenient heating in gas furnaces and electric, not having to burn coal which does smell and most people are too stupid to know not to burn their home down. Put the gas into homes and put the coal into power plants and generate cheap electric to heat and cool homes.

For that matter go back to freon for AC and let's get Americans comfortable again.

America has all the fuel we need for cheap energy production. Having a big pile of coal though does not help if people are still saddled with EPA and DOE California regulations which put furnaces and air conditioners out of the price range of people by this wifi computer shit.

We need furnaces with old thermostats and no computers. As an example, America used to have a company that made affordable gas furnaces called Warm Morning. Obama regulated them out of existence and Williams now is the very expensive forced choice. I talked to a furnace guy last year and he told me, that the computer board in furnaces costs more than the furnace.

So Secretary Burgum must move to the other leg in this, let us have piles of thorium, coal, gas and propane, but let us have affordable furnaces without computers and affordable vehicles with caburetors from Ford and not computers to track us.

Shortly after being sworn in, Interior Secretary Doug Burgum began implementing Trump’s energy emergency order, directing agencies to accelerate energy and mineral production on public lands and offshore.

Trump’s first-day energy emergency declaration unlocked broad executive powers to boost oil, gas, and mining—while blocking wind projects.

Secretary Burgum is also rolling back Biden-era restrictions, including reopening offshore drilling on the East & West Coasts and Alaska.

Burgum: “We are unlocking America’s full energy potential.”

The energy syndicate needs to be ordered by the Secretary to DRILL, because if they do not start bringing all this onto line in a few months in new wells, then the Government needs to mandate a draft for those drills and crews and get them going for America. No more USAID thwarting the 2024 elections no more than big energy doing the same thing in not drilling like they can thwart the elections.

Nuff Said
