The Great Emancipator - He has freed Americans now free to Trade
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
President Donald Trump has emancipated American industry and finance to compete across the globe again, after that globalist tramp, Nancy Pelosi put America into chains by not allowing Americans to match the bribes that other nations were offering to gain contracts around the world. This destroyed American presence and influence everywhere.
Thank God President Trump has made America dominant again and ceased the criminalization of our bankers, businesses and citizens to gain the upper hand again in making jobs and profits for Americans
Pelosi and her Obama ilk intended to destroy American rugged individualism in independent wealth with this heinous attack upon liberty. Thank God President Trump has Emancipated the American Yankee Trader for all our good!
Why is Trump pausing US anti-bribery law
This is a wonderous and beautiful thing which President Trump has done. This will surpass in time even peace with Russia for American domination in foreign affairs.
President Trump has earned his own Rushmore Collection in a monument to his saving these now United States.
God bless you President Trump!