Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio with "Arctic cold" while Canada is 20 degrees warmer in temperatures like Kansas, Missouri, Tennessee and Virginia!
When are people going to start screaming about this bullshit and demanding these weather terrorists are arrested and executed.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
This is just an evidence post of HAARP terrorism against Americans in President Donald Trump and why those behind this must be hunted down and tried in Nazi war crimes against humanity.
You have not heard one word in this about that fake polar votex, because if you look at the map above the Arctic IS WARMER than America.
In fact I did the screen grabs of Fargo North Dakota at 25 below and White Horse, Yukon at 19 above to illustrate that the tundra is WARMER than the prairies of America thousands of miles south.
11 below, 4 below, 1 above, 3 above, 7 above, 14 above, 15 above for lows
11 below, 21 below, 22 below, 24 below, 19 below, 14 below for lows
This is HAARP chem chilling and HAARP lowering the upper atmosphere cold into Canada and the blowing this into America for Big natural gas and Big oil profits.
This is mass murderous. This is not the crematoria incinerating people. This is skykrieg in atmospheric freezing of life.
It is past time this is dealt with as this has been going on since President Trump's inauguration being ruined and it keeps getting worse. There is nothing natural about any of this Obama Bush cartel syndicated globalist rapine of the world.