As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
As President Donald Trump has HAARP again putting snow on his scrotum at DC, and the rest of America is having their entire February ruined with frigid weather and storms, there must be at this juncture with Elon Musk of DOGE going into NOAH and the machine of HAARP which is DARPA in the US military, Big oil kicking money back to the Pentagon and Big Chem providing the toxic metals and chemicals being sprayed, a fitting justice for what these profiteers of HAARP have engaged in, in this terrorism against Americans.
My view for when the Insurrection Act is activated, is to let the punishment fit the crime. This is terrorism. This is treason from corporate oil and natural gas, which are about to get Ukraine LPG contracts for more profits, but instead everyone involved in this from the troops who took part in loading this poison, the pilots, the CEO's and Pentagon brass with these NGO's, should have the following sentence to fit these crimes against humanity from Obama dumping snow in the Rockies and washing Republican homes down to the Gulf of America to popular girl me having my cattle dead from thyroid conditions to freezing.
The sentence should be that these terrorists, be shipped to Greenland, made to walk to the interior, and then with a stake and a chain be tied there, and if they can gnaw off their hand before they are frozen to death, they will then be afforded the pardon if they can survive in walking back to the coast, they can live, without their hands. Naturally, I would prefer the starving polar bears, starving from HAARP spraying be taken to Greenland too, and allowed to pick and choose which terrorists they desire to make a meal of to make this Obama green to thin things out so Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci will not have to vax more people to mass death, but I pretty well calculate that the survival rate will be zero and Greenland can bury her dead in the snow like the wooly mammoth.
That is about it for this justice, as today I sat here chilled from this endothermic temperature cold that these chems trigger and it is not fun. February has been robbed from Americans and many have died who were old and weak. Let the punishment fit the crime in this Trump Era for terrorists.
This weather warfare ends when Elon Musk defunds it and Justice is done when these terrorists are staked out on the ice and left to freeze to death.
Nuff Said