People always get confused when I tell them my name is Nurse Doa.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Word has it now that the vax in mRNA has converted the human body to use sugar to fuel the heart, instead of fats. I noted this previously in those clots which were more like tissue than injured blood cells, in how they were still fueling tissues while blocking things.
This transhuman stuff is what it is. I would equate what is being done is the 90% in their hearts are now running lean on the fuel. In and engine that gets you burned pistons and lessened engine life, instead of running on a good blend in normal gas.
Who knows how long the heart will last pumping along on sugar as no one has ever done this in converting fuels, not like people are a Farmall F 20 which starts with gas and runs on kerosene, like back in the day.
Not much happening on the death watch either, as I think the reason the mass die offs have been evaded is that the vaxes were all so broken up and abused that not everyone was like my stupid brother who got an intact one and it ate him in cancer in a few weeks. So bits and pieces trail along, people use Ivomec to delay things and some people seem to like the vax and others are recovering after this medical assault which duped 45 in Obama Fauci, and others are symptomatic depending on what affects them like aging, fat head, cancer, strokes, clots, mood changes and whatever.
Me, I'm just trying to survive in God with HAARP terrorism and non donors.
Nuff Said