As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The American above was as vital to saving America in Lincoln's War than General Grant or even the entire Union Army. His name is Mr. Jay Cooke, a most unique clerk, who came to arise to banking and from there found a most distinct calling in he was able to sell things to Patriot Americans. The things he was selling were 5 20's.
The 5 20's were bonds which President Lincoln came upon in his Greenback financing of the war. It was not Secretary of the War Chase nor Congress who was the financial system of America. It was Jay Cooke and who he was in league with was the American small investor, as they were the ones who at over 2 million dollars a day, came pouring in with their savings to invest in the future of their United States of America.
The 5 20's paid a rate of interest. The terms as negotiated by numbers of Cooke's employees all over America, was in 5 years an American could get gold for their investment and in 20 years the full value of this lucrative bond.
People pulled their money out of their socks, their bank accounts and their stocks, as this was the investment of their lives, backed by the United States Government.
What this has to do with President Donald Trump is a group of nation rapists have been robbing America and Americans for over 100 years. They do this by taxing you beyond your means, spending more than the Treasury takes in, and the 'expense' is selling you your own money and the looting they do in Congressional laundering of money to the feudal few.
I believe President Donald Trump needs a Jay Cooke. I think it could be Elon Musk. I'm about to explain something for producing the Trump Golden Age and to make American solvent and Americans prosperous.
The first thing are the limits. This is for individuals ONLY. No Goddamn hedgefunds or investments houses to speculate and ruin things for the people.
How the money comes in, is the money coming is will be tax free forever, no Clinton or Obama greedy hands taxing things.
The payment will be in 5 years, due to President Trump's coin mining or in 20 years from the corporate interests of producing wealth which the person is investing in.
America needs to produce something, so does the world, but there is not a real future there, so that is where we have Elon Musk, start building a robotic corp, which is going to be lifted to the Moon and Mars, and there the mining of all those resources begin. You do not need people at the start of this. Just robotics to mine, smelt and produce the wealth. As things move along, yes people will be venturing out to the hinterlands to manage things, but no need to risk people in this investment.
This is where we come to the Republic Federation which is what People in space will be protected by. America can do this alone, but that leaves people unhappy, so here is the board in this, America, Germany, Russia and Japan, call it JaRGA and the combined Constitutions of these nations sharing this venture, protect the ventuerers in outerpace. No democracy, no unions, just the Constitution.
Each of these nations would represent their sphere, and investments coming in to fuel this. Each of these nations is highly gifted in precision and in economics. No one can compare to American economic power, but each have their own special abilities which will in being joined make this stronger. The main point is, when Russia and America are engaged together to the greater wealth and venture of space, they are not going to be blowing each other up. Japan and Germany make wonderful mediator buffers.
All of this is on percentage fees, moving to retire thee American and world debt. The e coin is the only expanding finance which will be able to absorb the quadrillions in space revenues and the measure to set a standard where education and morality with enterprise and invention are the transition to the dividends of the work people will be paid, as robots and AI will supplant the labor and in this the value of evolution of character will be rewarded.
This is Capitalism of Morals.
One does not need unions when one has Rights.
This is a really simple plan for the advancement of humanity. I was reading of a Texas firm which is going to breed back extinct species and have wombs created to birth these creatures in 5 years. There is no reason that our most successful races in American, Germans, Russians and Japanese begin producing human children in this way to expand the population, with the mandate of caring for these children with HUMAN PARENT CONTACT OF DISCIPLINE AND LOVE, being incentivized by this new economic expansion, as our races will produce our best, instead of Obama invasions and erasing and replacing our best for the low ladder IQ in this war upon humanity.
It is my hope again that Team Trump weighs this white paper to include it into the rather limited scope of the US Treasury under this fag Bissent, to form the dynamics of a solar system economy which will have more than enough for everyone, so this cursed usury that is robbing people ends forever.
This is another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Nuff Said