First I have a dwarf vagina like Zellinskyy has a dwarf penis. Our little minds
think the same. With French pastry, English faggots and German beer, I will defeat
Russia with tampons and then defeat our new enemy in America with the weapon of
my ferocious statements.
German War Ministret Annalena Baerbock
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
The dwarf of Kiev, that bulan boy, Zellinskyy, has betrayed the United States and in subterfuge plotted to disrupt the Russian American peace process. The street slang is, that Vladimir Zellinskyy is a fuck head, and that is what he is. When a Jew like Benjamin Netanyahu can behave himself with President Trump in listening to conditions, and the President will seat the Prime Minister as a gesture of honor, this dwarf could benefit from acting like the Tel Aviv Jews and stop being the part of a back hole ghetto inbred that never learned any manners.
The basis for the above is the statement of President Donald Trump to Fox News Radio. This is what the Lame Cherry will focus on now that the gutter ghetto stuff of the dwarf has been addressed.
In particular, the 47th US President said that Vladimir Putin does not necessarily have to meet halfway and make any deal, since he can get all of Ukraine. In addition, Donald Trump blamed Ukraine and the previous president Joe Biden for the conflict, breaking the usual Western narrative about Moscow’s unconditional guilt.
The President has the facts correct. German Chancellor Angela Merkel sabotaged the Munich Accords to destroy Russia. Zellinskyy signed onto this mass murder in having slaughtered 500,000 Orthodox Slavic Christians and trying to get America flung into a nuclear war with Russia. So it is not a surprise that these Pinko Krauts are threatening the United States. This same troll threatened Vice President JD Vance after he spoke at Munich about the Rights of People, where this Kraut stated he knew the German people were the threat to their minority mob rule.
But they didn't do anything either. The war is going on. There are no meetings with Russia. There is nothing. They didn't do anything at all.
– Trump assessed the role of Europe.
The first reaction from the EU followed shortly after the interview was published. German Foreign Minister Baerbock threatened the US with severing ties in the wake of Trump's comments.
As the Lame Cherry has stated, the only security which the United States can come to is coming to terms with Russia. Getting the United States the hell out of Eastern Europe. Thee only place that America has any place being is in Italy. When the Germans have held open the door with threats to America to sever ties America, then President Trump should embrace it all and shut down thee American bases in Germany. This is something which MUST be dealt with as America can not be threatened by these thugs. If Germany does not include the AfD in the leadership in the coming elections, then America should remove itself to it's position in Italy. Let these pinko thugs fight Russia with the British and their 25 tanks and 75,000 faggot Tommies.
The only remedy in this is to hand this over to the Germans, French and English and then let Russia go to work without any American or NATO American involvement. I have run the quick numbers in this and I believe that Russia would need it's current Army Ukraine, the Belarussians coming in from the North to Ukraine and as flankers to Poland, and in this two spears, one driving for Odessa and the other for Kiev would have to be in city so "NATO" could not bomb them in 3 days. After that with the border secure, Russia could dig and with Hazel missiles obliterate enough of these pissy EU states that the peoples would rise up and end those regimes and a real peace in Europe would prevail.
America must not be involved in any of this, as Russia is not going to invade fricking central and western Europe. If the Poles and Finns fucked around, Russia would hammer to Sweden and Germany for a secure zone, but if the Swedes and Germans bent at the butt, this would end there.
The point in the above is Russia could do the 3 day strike and win, or when understanding is met with America, Russia could delight itself with the fodder of piles of French, English, Poles and German troops to send home dead and be the political statement which would be required to end this.
So Moscow has two very sound options in quick victory which would bring about a long range strike war of three months until there was nothing left in England, France or Germany to make war, or a year long pounding of body bag EU fodder to cripple Europe into submission.
Russia wins in either projection and Russia would stop as they no longer need nukes and no longer need boots on the ground to gain victory. This is not Reich Marshal Goering failing with iron bombs or the U 2 rockets not having the punch need to obliterate deeply. This is the Hazel and my projection is that with 2000 Hazel missiles, Russia could defeat the EU from the Dan River. Russia builds to this arsenal and is at peace with America, and they win.
This fits completely with President George Washington mandate no foreign intrigue or involvement in things overseas. This fits with President George Washington openly trading with all nations. America certainly can supply all the weapons which Europe wants to die before Russia and at the same time America in lifting all sanctions on Russia, will be pumping Russian oil and gas and importing lovely Saiga rifles for a prosperous trade for Americans to be rich on main street with.
So this is the sound American strategy based upon the honest assessment of President Donald Trump, the President seeking peace with the world and President George Washington staying out of all wars and trading for prosperity while others slaughter themselves.
Donald Trump was brought to be President for not America alone. His purpose was to emancipate Europe from the tyranny which Vice President JD Vance outlined in Munich. When the Europeans reject this gospel of life for all Europeans, than it is the reality that President Donald Trump must get out of the way and let the natural order, take it's course. Der Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler stated almost a century ago, that if Europe could not deal with Russia, then the Darwin selection of the fittest should make Russia the master race of the Continent. Europe has done nothing for a century but suck the tit of America for their socialist regimes. President Trump moving America out of the way, will either bring the true and native leadership in Germany, France and England to the forefront to save Europe, or President Vladimir Putin with fast missiles will obliterate those regimes and the true leadership will then arise to peace with Russia.
The age of the crownless monarchs must end in Europe with their courts of feudal tyrants. America must not prop up these enemies of humanity who think America must be nuked for their luxuries and now these enemies have made it know they always were enemies of the United States.
Give Europe Trump Peace or Putin War and by either, the monarchs without
crowns will face extinction like the dinosaurs and the true primate will rise to lead Europe again.
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Nuff Said