The Cure for what Ails
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
After an extensive search of about a few minutes, after listening to Jeff Rense and Brother Nathaniel lament how long it would take to deport 30 million Mexicans, I embarked upon a search of Omega 3 in the human body and found nothing, which is odd as one would think that there should be some information about how much Omega 3 is in the human body, and not how to just power your diesel engine with human fat.
On with the information though, I found in the Atlantic, that noted liberal publication a great ream of information on human self combustion and about human fat as a medical remedy.
Here I will let the Atlantic tell the story as this is their information on using human corpses for medical treatment and or to avoid so you do not get 3rd degree burns because your fat spouse spontaneously combusts during sex.
surplus fat was said to create higher levels of hydrogen, making the body especially flammable. Lair concluded:
Thus there is no cause for surprise that old women, who are in general fatter and more given to drunkenness, and who are often motionless like inanimate masses, during the moment of intoxication, should experience the effects of combustion.
I had read of this in the Readers Digest, but they did not explain the process. Apparently fat people like the Hindenberg will blow up and burn up, and it all sounds logical in hydrogen is really flammable and so is alcohol, and we know that fat once fired up on the stove makes a hell of a grease fire.
I don't know how the hydrogen sets off, maybe it is like a nerve impulse which is electric or maybe static electricity, and people just go POOF.
Is not important as this is about being liberal and saving the Obama green legacy as we all love that illegitimate Barack Hussein Obama, may he rest in peace.
The next part in this is the use for Mexicans as a cost saving measure, like James Wolsey of the CIA knowing how many pints of crude oil could be rendered out of a human, as the CIA apparently has experience with this.
Whether procured from plant, animal, or human sources, in one form or another fat has been an important element in the European pharmacopoeia since ancient times. For reasons that are not quite clear, a medicinal interest in human fat was especially pronounced in the 16th and 17th centuries. In 1543, the physician Andreas Vesalius instructed anatomists who boiled bones for the study of skeletons to carefully collect the layer of fat “for the benefit of the masses, who ascribe to it a considerable efficacy in obliterating scars and fostering the growth of nerves and tendons.” Vesalius knew what he was talking about. At the time, human fat was widely considered—and not just by “the masses”—to be efficacious in healing wounds, and was typically harvested from the recently deceased. In October 1601, after a particularly bloody battle during the Siege of Ostend, Dutch surgeons descended upon the battlefield to return with “bags full of human fat,” presumably to treat their own soldiers’ wounds
I thought bones had marrow....yeah is fat, but is more jelly like, like protein. That part I'm not clear on, as I do not boil up dead people, just chickens for chicken know bone broth is in vogue among the health conscience. Anyway the Dutch who are dwarf Zellinskyy comrades, in 1601 as you can read in the Atlantic were harvesting soldier corpse fat from battlefields to treat wounds and heal people.
Rense had a little farm gal with a bad heart, who was taking dried powdered beef heart to restore her heart. How much better would it be for the sick to have powdered beaner heart to restore their damaged hearts? The Atlantic knows such things as they published them.
Who could argue with .........what was that remedy, "Human fat obliterates scars, fosters the growth of nerves and tendons". Who would have thought the cure for muscular dystrophy was not Jerry Lewis telethons but boiled up Jerry in capsule form taken internally or rubbed into the joint. The cure for arthritis and joint replacement would be the same Jerry, not saying that Jews should be boiled up as the Atlantic states this was battle dead in Denmark so this is Danes. I would think though with a million dead Christians in Ukraine, that the dwarf Zellinskyy should be selling Ukraine dead to the United States instead of rare earth minerals and organ harvesting to the English. I mean one heart is one heart in some rich European, but dry that heart up, powder it up, you could restore maybe ten people and not even need an operation or costly .....sorry I'm feeling thee effects of German Red Eye at the moment..........costly organ rejection medications.
So why should Homeland under the sexy granny Kristi Noem be spending billions deporting fat Mexicans when fat Mexicans are a medical miracle........a bit too peppery, but pepper is warming and would invigorate healing I would think, even if in the Mexican War it was recorded the wolves would not eat dead Mexicans due to their eating hot peppers in wolves do not like spicy meat. Anyway, I'm not saying we should kill the Mexicans, but can we not put them onto some farm, a fat farm and liposuction like 150 pounds of fat out of every Mexican. They are fat little stupid people, and I would think that they would be like oil wells in you could tap them about once a month and get a new supply of healing oils for real humans.
Before I digress, I would think that on these corporate farms, you know like factory farms for pigs, milk cows and chickens, these Mexicans could be fed like Chinese soybeans, they would get fat, they would poop, and do not need toilet paper, and the poop probably has allot of nutrients in it for fertilizer and food for animals in China and you turn that into like Soylent pig feed for hogs in China, so you get fat Mexicans for healing, and fat pigs in China that Smithfield could buy back and sell to you for your kosher pork on Jewish holidays.
So America should not deport Mexicans, at least until we get our pounds of fat off of them like the Merchant of Venice in the pounds of flesh. Make them pay back that 10,000 dollars in the Biden cash card. Who knows, instead of baby blood IV's into Biden and Hillary Clinton, a good Mexican fat rub down would rejuvenate Hillary Clinton to her sexy days of 1990. She was quite a babe before she was fat and nasty as a lesbian. Yes Hilllary would be young and might even be President in a time or time running again as she wears the public down in running for President all the time.
So that is the Obama green issue. Render fat Mexcians into medicine, get the pounds of fat and if they die, so much the better as you could render them into garden fertilizer and I think I read the human body is full of rare minerals, so who needs Ukraine, when you got millions of Mexicans to extract rare earth minerals from.
We all just try and do our part in this 21st century. It was wasteful in Barack Obama droning all those people or Jews doing holocaust in Gaza and Ukraine, and only getting orgran harvesting for the rich or a few million gallons of baby blood for Biden and Clinton. The world has allot of people with achy joints and some nice pepper fat would be warming and rejuvenating. We could end the Labor Day Telethon as Jerry Lewis is dead in we now have the cure as the Atlantic says in human fat grows nerves....maybe if Christopher Reeve and lived, we could rub fat Mexicans on him and he would have walked again and have sex with his pretty wife, who he had sex with, but just could not feel his boner, only the lust. I remember him saying that in a wild eyed interview, although I did not want to contemplate invalid sex and what that all liked like in wild eyes sweaty wives bouncing up and down on cripples in an iron lung.
This probably needs to be written up in some law from Congress and then we can all, well at least the sick of us, enjoy the benefits of beaner fat, like the people of Europe did not that long ago. One wonders how many leaders in France and England had Grandpa and Grandpa eating people fat to become healthy again, to outdistance the non cannibals to become the crownless monarchs who hate Americans today.
Maybe they will love Americans if we just give Stamer and Macron a few bottles of beaner fat to rub on their body parts to restore them to the men they were....maybe Zellinskyy will even grow a few inches in height.......his penis too.
Nuff Said