Monday, March 17, 2025



For several days, the United States has sent military surveillance aircraft into the Persian Gulf and they have taken up circling patterns near Iran's Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant.

The aircraft, using Callsign "Ovrld02" has been loitering for HOURS each day.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

The stalemate in the Middle East caused by Tel Aviv's holocaust can not remain or world war will manifest. If this was Obama, Biden, the Lame Cherry would not agree with what is being undertaken, the point is, the White House attempted to reach a diplomatic response to Iran and nuclear weapons, but the Persian turban heads rebuffed the offer, and humiliated President Vladimir Putin of Russia.

In this, it is acceptable pressure for US aircraft to circle outside Iranian nuclear power plants. I disagree with stating that no sane nation would attack a nuclear power plant. Providing America did not have a power plant blow up in terrorism, the power plant in Iran is an acceptable target.
I would that there were more efforts to build the Iranian public for the return of the Shah's Prince for a Republic to be formed. Leaving the British turban cesspool in place after bombing is more of the same problem.

In order to deal with Iran, it is of necessity to rid Iran of her allies, and the Houthi are a Persian ally. As Hamas is in position now with the removal of the civilians to be wiped out, Hezbollah has been castrated, Syria is what Syria is, the removal of the Houthi is the punch in the face to Iran which it needs.

The Lame Cherry would suggest to the Houhti to come to terms with the United States as the game has changed and the power game they had is over.  This is no longer trying to save the Philistines. This is about saving Americans, from a war with Iran, via Tel Aviv.

The White House announced this afternoon that President Trump has ordered decisive combat operations against Yemen.

The U.S. Navy then confirmed it's 5th Fleet has entered a period of 'sustained combat operations' within the CENTCOM area of responsibility.

The U.S. Navy's 5th Fleet is responsible for naval forces in the Arabian Gulf, Red Sea, and Arabian Sea, with its headquarters located at NSA Bahrain in Manama, Bahrain. It shares a commander and headquarters with U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) and is a component command of, and reports to, CENTCOM.

President Trump has shown he does not do things half assed. He has plans this time around and that is why this blog supports the strikes in Yemen and the ratcheting up of pressure on Iran. Dealing with Iran is dealing with Moscow. Deal with Moscow and one deals with Iran.

Nuff Said
