As Jonathan Turley notes;
The key here is that this was a controversial move to review a TRO, which is generally not reviewable. What is clear is that there are four justices who were still prepared to do so and would obviously be likely to grant review in the next round.
That next round would come after the hearing on the preliminary injunction, which is scheduled for March 6th.
It can then be appealed to these awaiting justices. Only four are needed to grant review, so you do the math.
We cannot wait to see how Musk and Trump respond to this fucking farcical outcome...
Thee ANTIGOV Black Robe Court
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
It is becoming plain that with President Trump's State of the Union Speech in the open insurrection by the entire democratic party, and now with the Supreme Court joining in the unConstitutional revolt against the Rule of Law in times of insurrection and invasion, that the Founders of America were absolutely proven correct again in protecting the United States, that the President holds full Authority in the Constitution in times of insurrection and invasion, as in those times, the "civilian" branches of Government in the Congress and Courts, can and will be so corrupt that they are in insurrection against the remaining Executive Branch.
No more clear understanding of this is Chief Justice Bunghole Roberts, joined by the Vatican's Justice, Amy Barrett, voted with other insurrectionists to restore USAID funding to the insurrectionists who are in open warfare against the People and Government of the United States.
Thee ONLY safety valve in this, is in the Constitution which gives President Donald Trump Constitutional Authority, which can not be infringed, impeded or blocked by the Legislative or Judicial. As this blog has educated it's readers, President Abraham Lincoln invoked that Authority in the European sponsored insurrection of the Southern States, and the intimidation of invasion from France with troops in Mexico and England with troops in Canada.
The Constitution is very expansive and liberal on the Authority it provides the President to save America. As Chief Magistrate, he is the Courts. As Commander in Chief, he is the military. The Founders understood completely what they were requiring of a President like Donald Trump. He was to declare an insurrection or invasion, and then move with the United States Military to back his declarations, in dispatching the Provost Marshal to apprehend all persons whom indictments have been signed by any Cabinet member. In President Lincoln's era, it was democrat Sec of War Edwin Stanton who signed the warrants. These warrants of military enforcement in civilian law was so complete that even the courts could not hide criminals in their courts, which is meant by the suspension of Habeas Corpus.
If President Donald Trump is going to save America, the time is coming when the People are going to come to the conclusion as Americans did in 1860, that the President will have to move, and that will mean that the Chief Justice in Bunghole Roberts will have a warrant for his arrest and the Provost Marshal will haul him off the bench, along with Justice Barrett and these other insurrectionists. This means that those in Congress are going to be arrested by the Provost Marshal and hauled away for Military Tribunal Trials, where there is no stage show permitted in the Tribunals provide all representation and trials and sentences are swift as proven the assassins who joined John Wilkes Booth attacking President Lincoln and Secretary Chase.
It required over 2 years for the public to come to the conclusion that President Lincoln completely enjoin the insurrection and invasion Authority. America does not have two years to wait, and in this, thankfully half the democrat voters now have had it with the radicals in their own party in the Obama woke.
America can not allow the festering cancer of insurrection to become a radical plague where the little tumors hearing that politicians and justices are in open revolt can join in. Butler PA was a dire warning when the "Woke DEI" have weaponized the Government and think they can assassinate a Presidential Candidate.
Americans must come this necessity and voice support for this, to provide the continued process where President Donald Trump will be able as President Abraham Lincoln was, to arrest politicians and strike down courts and haul away every invader or insurrectionists to secure the United States again.
President Donald Trump as Chief Magistrate has Constitutional Authority to appoint without advise or consent of Congress, however many lesser Magistrates to enforce the laws of America, and without any interference by the Supreme or any lesser courts. An Executive Magistrate would seize the USAID funds on Presidential Authority and if the Supreme Court dared to infringe or impede the Executive, the Magistrate would issue a warrant for the arrest of every Court member who breached the US Constitution as ANTIGOV.
This all will be done legal in the framework of Constitutional Government once the President invokes the Insurrection and Invasion Clause of the US Constitution.
Respond Mr. President, RESPOND!!!
Nuff Said