This is not politics. This is Insurrection.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
I'm going to say this as respectfully as possible.
I'm watching the State-of-the-Union Speech; It is utterly terrible
Starting with Rep. Al Green, Democrats protest against Trump's speech to Congress
If you do not comprehend what the President is engaged in, do not go rampage in emotions, because he is not doing things the way you think in your shortsightedness.
Review the speeches of Lincoln, especially those before Congress. As this blog has only brought to the attention of the public in Lincoln at War, President Lincoln had to wait until the public was affirmed by his words to what they were desiring, and then he would move on difficult issues, because IT WAS AN INSURRECTION.
America is in an insurrection and invasion. When the President defined Joe Biden as a criminal, that is a LEGAL TERM. The State of the Union of 47 was a review, there is another definition for it, it was a preponderance of evidence, that an insurrection was active against the Government of the United States. Every American saw democrats actively in criminal revolt. Americans saw a member of Congress thrown out of the Congress for disrupting a federal official in the completion of his work. That is the President as the Federal Official and allot of Jan6ers were frame on that one issue.
Everyone saw a political party in open insurrection against the Government in the State of the Union. When this builds and it is building, thee American Public is not going to question the Government protecting them, they will have seen the evidence and know that the Government must act as it did with President Abraham Lincoln, both in the North and the South.
It was a State of the Insurrection not Union speech. It was evidence and for those astute enough to understand that this motion and momentum to the legal remedy of this, last night was a key in this, as that was a court room and the Chief Magistrate, President Donald Trump presided as Prosecutor.
I should not be explaining all of this, but it needs to be addressed and in some ways it assists in putting this out there, so when the legal remedy is enacted, people will not be surprised and comprehend they knew this protection of the Constitution, People and Government was coming.
Protest Groups Gather to Assail Trump's Presidency | TIME
and the punchline is..........
Wake Up Call? Polls Show Half Of Democrat Voters Are Tired Of Far-Left Politics
President Lincoln had to bring the Democrats led by Senator Stephen Douglas to support his policies. President Trump now has half of Democrats, All Republicans in support of his coming policies once that time comes. 75% means no turning back.
Nuff Said