As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
Jeff Rense honestly must take a mirror look at himself as the commentary he posts damning Donald Trump is one which reflects on him in the same damning conviction.
President Trump is not an expert. The experts told him the vax would work. This is the same situation as with Ronald Reagan, the things he did sometimes were for good, but after he left office, they were hijacked and turned against Americans, same as Teddy Roosevelt with the Federal Reserve.
Jeff Rense and Erica Khan did a great deal of good informative work. They also under the microscope were all over the place on certain subjects in embracing information one day, then mocking it to scorne the next and the embracing it, whether it was iron or the diatribe of the critters.
I tried the Carbon 60 Rense had as a miracle treatment. Did me no good at all. Does that make Jeff Rense a predator who has been in on preying on poor people who should have gone to the doctor? No it does not, but it is the same reality of what is life. People try the stuff they have before them, sometimes lied to, and sometimes it works for others. That does not make people killers, no more than Florence Nightingale as people died in her care too.
Donald Trump is rectifying what was done to him and the United States. You will remember they tried to assassinate him with the lethal strain and he would be dead now if he had not taken that blood juice treatment that he got for Ben Carson too.
Jeff Rense's sins are massive if you listen to Scruples. So is Adolf Hitler, but people do good too and Rense is the last dinosaur of what was talk radio which had interesting commentary.
So let us all be kinder and gentler and not be throwing the first and last stones on people we need.
Nuff Said