Monday, March 17, 2025

The Innocent Russian


President Boris Yeltsin trusted Bill Clinton and called him his friend.

As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.

As you should care about the Truth and the necessity that the most known powerful people in America from Hillary Clinton to Sean Hannity to Lindsey Graham to George Bush are responsible for the mass murder of over 1 million Slavic Christians. It is contained in a fine piece from Hal Turner and while I will post a few quotes, you should read all that information, because it is the evidence of thee most unAmerica activity in crimes against humanity, centering in Ukraine.

The first evidence is from Bush41's Secretary of State,  James Baker, concerning the fall of East Germany in the peaceful revolution of German Lutherans there. Secretary Baker promises that if Soviet Premier, Mikhail Gorbachev, will remove Russian troops from East Germany that NATO will NEVER expand east.

Bill Clinton would violate that promise in expanding NATO east. Russia was in no position to react militarily, and this is where Vladimir Putin arose to power. President Putin would be patient for decades, but two breaking points occurred. The first was George W. Bush lying to the Russians in expanding NATO into Ukraine and Georgia, and the second was after Ambassador Bill Burns of Russia (then Joe Biden's CIA Director) filed a memo to Washington that the Russians would not accept NATO in Ukraine. This was the reddest of red lines, and that is the way this cabal played it.

They would play Russia in the Munich Accords offering peace, while NATO built a Maginot Line to destroy Russia's military. Kiev would be over,thrown for a Victoria Nuland thug, who would in the following years murder 14,000 ethnic Russians in the Donbass. In a military move, Kiev tried to exterminate the Russians, but Moscow repulsed it and shattered the Ukrainian forces throwing them back. A second move was made once the Maginot Line was constructed, and on the eve of an attack on Russia, Russia captured infiltrators, and launched a preemptive strike which we know as the War in Ukraine.

President Vladimir Putin trusted George W. Bush

Here though is the legal rub in this that FOX did not tell their trolls and liberals do not mention. There is a treaty between Russia and Ukraine. It was signed in 1997, and it specifically states that neither Ukraine nor Russia could participate or support any actions that put the other nation into jeopardy. That would be defined as Ukraine joining NATO. The dwarf Zellinskyy of Kiev knows all of this and when he keeps maneuvering to get Ukraine into NATO, he is violating the 1997 treaty and Russia has ever legal right to engage in any actions to protect itself.

If you think that is extreme, you can look back at President Abraham Lincoln, who stated that any nation has the right to any means to protect itself. That is defined International Law.

The damning words came from Victoria Nuland and democrats in what their "revolution" was in Ukraine. It was instead a criminal overthrow of  the elected Government of Ukraine. NATO was there and murdered Ukrainians with their snipers.

That is the source of how the dwarf Zellinskyy came to power with the bizarre joke that he was a populist like Donald Trump. Zellinskyy is a thug, a mass murderer and every evil that he has accused President Vladimir Putin.

NATO rooftop snipers killed both protestors and police, forcing Ukraine’s democratically elected pro-Russian leader Viktor Yanukovych to flee. In response to Yanukovych’s downfall, Putin stepped up Russian support for Russian-speaking separatist rebels in the Donbass, while US accelerated its efforts to arm and train Ukraine’s army.

NATO sent Snipers into the Maidan Revolution in Ukraine, to make it more violent!!!!!   NATO knew it was overthrowing Ukraine's democratically-elected President, and they did it anyway.    So all those who say Russia's invasion into Ukraine was "unprovoked" are either completely ignorant of the facts, or lying.

After Ukraine President Yanukovych was forced to flee the country, United States Senator Chris Smith (D-CT) went on C-SPAN and boasted that we in the United States, working on the ground during the riots, helped impose "regime change" in Ukraine. 

The Lame Cherry refuses to call those involved in this, "Americans" or as Hal Turner does in "we" as there is no collective we. Americans were deceived by this treacherous group of the feudal few, and their followers. All of the above have been richly rewarded as another extermination of mankind has taken place with the backdrop that Americans were being erased and replaced in another holocaust like Ukraine, from their very leaders.

This all belongs in Military Tribunals, staffed by loyalists to America, and a legal remedy must take place, according to the law, and not the lie that "We can not hang important people in mass as it might disrupt society".
Society has already been disrupted. America has been invaded and there is an insurrection against the Constitution. These are all high crimes and the public at large needs to experience a restoration of fear that being criminals has consequences. Nothing will install that Fear of 47 more than to have legal military courts swinging enough necks between heaven and earth that those who knew what was taking place and kept silent for their advantages that they will be the next wearing rope neckties.

Until this is addressed, the same hatred of Americans pitted against Russophobia will foment again and again, until we are all dead, and these plotters are all that is left in the bunkers we paid for with our dead bodies as a covering on top.

President Dimitry Medvedev trusted Barack Hussein Obama

None of the presidents above, acted in the least as Americans. They were duplicitous, liars and treacherous. They reflected nothing of the honesty of President George Washington, President Abraham Lincoln or President Ronald Reagan.

Nuff Said
