I was beautiful once, but married to him, I now look like old Russian hag.
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.
What has become lost in the disgrace of Ukraine, the dwarf Zellinskyy is what actually did the dwarf do that started this shouting match. The Russian press actually focused on what took place. President Trump had agreed to this meeting to sign a mineral deal with Ukraine to be compensated for expenses and in this, Ukraine was supposed to begin the step of an immediate move toward making peace with Russia.
Instead what took place, Zellinskyy opened up on Russia and her President, Vladimir Putin, accusing him of murder, annexation and breaking treaties. Now we all know that Merkel of Germany and Macron of France never meant for Munich to be a peaceful accord, but was only to deceive Russia, to buy time to build a military force in Ukraine to defeat Russia. That was a lie from the dwarf of Kiev in accusing the Russians.
That is what erupted in this as President Trump is working to repair relations with Russia and it is beyond diplomatic protocols to allow someone in a meeting to come in and propagandize it for their position.
Vice President JD Vance then affirmed PEACE was the issue, and President Trump stated he was a peace negotiator in favoring America, and not taking sides for Ukraine or Russia. To this the dwarf escalated in demeaning the Vice President in charging he had never been to Ukraine so JD Vance was ignorant.
Meet you on the other side.
Friday's meeting began on a positive note, with Donald Trump praising the "incredibly brave" Ukrainian troops. The American leader then made it clear that he is completely neutral in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. "I am in the middle, I am for Ukraine and for Russia... I want to resolve this issue," he noted, adding that if he supports anyone, it is exclusively his own country and "the good of the world."
But Trump's mood soon changed dramatically. First, the American president snapped that he was not going to "say terrible things about Putin," as the Ukrainian leader had allowed himself to do in his opening remarks. Then the head of the White House stopped sparing his counterpart altogether, declaring that he "should be grateful" to the United States, accusing him of "playing with World War III," and nailing him with the statement that he "doesn't have any strong cards in his hand." In addition, speaking about concessions for the sake of achieving peace, Donald Trump said that it was Volodymyr Zelensky who should compromise.
The American president became more and more heated and by the end of the short meeting he was already in an open rage.
President Trump began the meeting with praising Ukraine's troops. Zellinskyy trash talked President Putin and when Vice President JD Vance countered that the interest of America was to end the war, as Kiev is killing all their own people, Zellinskyy then uttered the absolute threat against thee American People.
That is on the other side.
Volodymyr Zelensky: He [Putin] occupied various parts of Ukraine in 2014. During that time, it was President Obama, then President Trump, then President Biden, and now it’s President Trump and he will stop him [Putin]. But during 2014, nobody stopped him. He just occupied and took. He killed people. From 2014 till 2022, the situation was the same—people have been dying on the contact line and nobody stopped him. We had a lot of conversations with him, including a bilateral conversation. As a new president in 2019, I signed with him a cease-fire deal alongside Macron and Merkel. All of them told me that he will never go. We also signed a gas contract with him. But after all of that, he broke the cease-fire. He killed our people, and he didn’t exchange prisoners. We signed the exchange of prisoners, but he didn’t do it. What kind of diplomacy, J.D., are you speaking about? What do you mean?
Vance: I’m talking about the kind of diplomacy that’s going to end the destruction of your country. [Zelensky begins to respond] Mr. President, with respect, I think it’s disrespectful for you to come to the Oval Office and try to litigate this in front of the American media. Right now, you guys are going around and forcing conscripts to the front lines because you have manpower problems—you should be thanking the president for trying to bring an end to this conflict.
In the quote below, Zellinskyy threatened America. The problems he is speaking of are terrorism and attacks on America. He was threatening that either America continue supporting Kiev's looting of America, or the violence in Ukraine was going to be brought to America, which her ocean walls would not protect her.
Zelensky: First of all, during the war, everybody has problems, even you. But you have a nice ocean and don’t feel [the problems] now. But you will feel it in the future.
Trump: You’re in no position to dictate what we’re going to feel. We’re going to feel very good.
That is what is at the center of this. Zellinskyy from the start of this has been trying to get America to fight Russia for Kiev. That is what was behind the Goddamn missile that blew into Poland and Kiev tried to blame Russia. It was a Ukrainian missile. That is what was behind all the terrorism in Russia, the murder of the innocent child of a Putin advisor in Alexander Dugan. Zellinskyy has been up to dirty bombs, bombing nuclear power plants and putting people like Tucker Carlson on Ukraine death lists. Zellinskyy wants nuclear weapons and is asking for them. His madness for Greater Bulan is a world war. That is what set this meeting to a disaster. Thee Americans had agreed to it, having been told the mineral deal was complete and that Kiev was not ready for peace with Russia. Zellinskyy appeared and started to attempt to drive a wedge between America and Russia again, and then ended with the threat of terrorism and attacks were coming into America out of Ukraine.
This little shit had been assured by England and France that the Americans would roll over for this deal as Macron was the punching bag, Stamer was the flatterer, and Zellinskyy could appear with the deal and America would be led down the path where London would restart the war.
Zellinskyy blew it with his 3rd world diatribes and then he started like the gutter thug he is, threatening the United States as he had before.
If you want to see the stooge who was the front man for what Zellinskky pulled. His photo is below with the dwarf.
This is the work of those Goddamn Normans of London. Two shit head dwarves, like bookends of holocaust and genocide.
King Charles to hold official audience for Ukrainian president as show of support after Trump clash
Signing any kind of deal now with Ukraine for President Trump will only look like taking change from a whore that she had down her cum soaked panties. There is nothing in this that looks honorable. There must be a new President in Ukraine, one who is not going to drag America into world war and one who is not an enemy of Russia.
This mineral deal was a poorly drafted deal. Ukraine does not have the infrastructure, nor electricity to process these rare earth minerals which the mines have not even opened yet. That is going to cost a fortune and be certain Kiev is going to be shooting at Russians in Donbass to try and start this war up again, and this time with America on the ground, make America fight this war.
I would submit a more astute deal would be to have GE build the electric power plants, American industry sell the mining equipment, involve the Germans in the actual management with their processing, and the United States as CEO not be anywhere near Ukraine and any intrigue from London or Paris.
I would that America not be anything involved in this as these Bulan are proven treacherous, murderous, emotional and unreasonable thugs. Creatures like Hillary Clinton, Victoria Nuland, John the hero McCain meld with this type. Americans have nothing in common with them as they have not evolved past what the Nazi found there and considered them lice clothed animals.
You saw one in the Oval Office on display. You do not sign treaties with primates at the zoo.
Nuff Said